Monday and Saturn spats with Pluto and the Sun faces off to Neptune PLUS the Dark of the New Moon means it’s lights out in Scorpio. Cripes indeed. Broccoli and patience all, and watch out for someone pulling the wool over yorn peepers. (More info of who and why for your perticaler sun sign, below.) On the upside, after a depth-charged, Scorpio-flavoured month, the Sun and Mercury head into Sagittarius this week. The forecast is for things to get a leetle more jovial - whoopee cushions at the ready people. Venus is staying on in Scorpio for a few more weeks and she clashes with Mars mid-week; the on-going health and harmony of your relationship may need something more than a whoopee cushion... A deep, Truth-filled chat, perhaps? All in all a tense start to the week which lightens towards the weekend. On your marks...!
Monday and there are clashes with friends and social circles and/or cash. This can be as simple as you trying to worm your way out of paying to join the golf club to friendships reaching a crisis point. The 8th house rules Big Cash and Letting Go – yes as in Take-A-Hike Letting Go but also as in Transforming what was in the past into something that will work better in the future. Your annual New Moon in this zone sez it’s time to get this perticaler house in order. If it’s a friendship, it’s time to name the elephant in the room. If it’s a Big Cash ting (mortgages, credit cards, loans, freelance commissions etc) then you need to stop believing the money tree will soon sort the shortfall. Wednesday and your ruler clashes with Venus in this zone too. Impatience and shouting may feel like the soup du jour, but wasn’t it you who made your choices in the first place? Hmmmm, Ram features. Time to Transform, huh? Start with what you can do differently next time and the ire will lift so you can actually enjoy the good things that are around you now such as hooray and hoorah... plans for holidays, studying treats, and checking into a Buddhist retreat for a meditation weekend.
For you bizniz or lovin’ partners are confronting what you feel your success and calling should be, either they’re getting in the way of your Route to The Best You Can Be or they’re questioning your chosen career path. This gets under your skin and by Wednesday you’re taking it out on your nearest and dearest (who by the way will be coming backacha next week with more shoulds and ought tos). Why oh why, Bully Bull? Because, if you didn’t have tests along the way you wouldn’t know whether you really knew and felt the things that you think you know and feel. See now? Neptune in charge at the wheel of your career is not always a safe bet. Sure he rules idealism and inspiration but he also rules delusion and downright poppycock. Chew it over, and don’t be too proud to make any necessary changes. Yes, you. Also this week: Monday evening, light a candle and make a clear wish for the shape of your future loving partnership/s. Tuesday work and money chime as loudly as Bow Bells. Kerching! But tuck it away for home moves/improvements in the Spring.
Hmm, it seems a reality check (via a doctor or boss figure) early in the week rather upends your long-term plans for travel, study, or heading off to join a Kibbutz. Neptune is bringing you inspiration and dreams of these things but may have been overegging the potential, or misting over key facts. News on Monday may be uncomfortable to swallow, like cod liver oil, but could strengthen your lot in the long run – and by December there’s some shiny breakthroughs vz these dreams. Prepare your fleets now and don’t ignore the minutiae. What is super pretty this week, Airy Friend, is the hookage of Saturn, him of commitment and propriety, to Mercury, your ruler – who docks in your 7th house of lovin’ and bidniz partners on Tuesday. It seems there’s a honey that wants to get to know you better with serious intent, or a conversation about bebes with your current squeeze, or a bizniz plan vz creativity /working with children starts to get its foundation stones in place. Goody goody gumdrops. Finally: watch your tongue on Wednesday, it’s made of arsenic and barbs, especially round the office.
Ooh, an interesting configuration for you this week Crab Sticks... The direction of a love-interest, child, or creative venture needs transforming – but the quandary is also triggering your financial axis. Do you need more money to make this thing work? Do you feel you need more money to impress? Right now Success for you is All About The Money. That’s okay, within reason, but if it’s getting in the way of fun and the Real Picture then you’ll be one miserable Clawface. Money’s an energy but there are others too, like love and kindness. You’re in a process of deep transformation, traversing from one metaphorical reef to another. The angst you feel is because change is an unsteady boat ride. While you’re looking for something to cling on to, make sure you consider emotions and people as well as money and the material world. It’ll make for much improved bon voyaging. In other news: Er, news Tuesday suggests there’s an opportunity to work closer to home – or a parent’s health check up is better than expected.
After a month of feeling ‘in’ and at the whims of home requirements and family idiosyncrasies, Mercury (Tuesday) and the Sun (Sunday) are zoot suiting into your 5th house of Fun for a month. Hooray. Tuesday, get out your social calendar and block book bunfights with girls, boys and creatures who know how to cha cha cha. It’s time to dust off those sling backs and pop out your tiaras. Before then there’s some sorting needs doing around Leo Towers. Partners aren’t making you feel Special Enough. There’s a lustre that’s faded, a duster they aren’t using often enough and you no likey. While you may hold it in on Monday, by Wednesday you’ll be roaring. If they still forget to empty the bins, then why not empty them all over their side of the bed? In other news: Tuesday you’re signing up – speed dating, a new car, an evening class in potato painting. Something Fun that brings out your sense of play is key.
There are times when you acutely distrust those you work with. They aren’t doing the job with the right attitude. They don’t recognise the work you do. They don’t involve you as much as they could. With Mars in your 12th, chances are those feelings will be bubbling along in the background during the coming months, and particularly this week. Neptune in your 6th squares off to the Sun and communications on the day job are gobbledegook. At the risk of sounding as naive as a wide-eyed Pollyanna sucking a popsicle, the mists around now will help you see the majesty of The Clear Day that’s coming in December. Communications are still a big theme for you in the next few weeks. First and foremost be honest with yourself, and then those around you. But with Mars triggering paranoia, especially on Wednesday, watch out for Fear turning your Tongue into molten lava. In other, prettier news, Saturn hooks up with your ruler Mercury on Tuesday linking earning and home. Virgos working from home or making money from home, such as buy-to-let, have good news in store. For others, family may come to your aid vz cash, money, lettuce.
For you the Neptune versus Sun spat links cash to chilun, creative tings, and lovers. If you haven’t been direct about income and outgoings – or if they haven’t – then this week is the week that the rug gets too bumpy to take any more sweepings. In other words, Out With It. Money’s a prime focus for you at the moment, and while it’s coming in, you want it to work for you. Investing in beautiful clothes or art feels the right thing to do but the pieces you want may be stretching your limits or stretching the patience of your close one to onesies (watch Wednesday for cards /lovers going into meltdown). The change happening this week is the shift of Mercury (Tuesday) and the Sun (Sunday) into your 3rd house of chitty chat. If the cat’s had your tongue, Scales, and you’ve been keeping schtum to keep the peace, that’s all about to change. Watch Tuesday for how good it feels to put your foot down, er, verbally. Just be wary you don’t get too puffed out to ignore the compromise option on Wednesday.
We’ll be coming out of the Dark of the Scorpio Moon by Wednesday and your energy will start to rise. Monday night, your New Moon lands at around 7pm. Take some time out. Light a candle to yourself. Name the aspects of yourself you want to evolve in the coming 12 months then picture yourself with those attributes already honed and developed. The Neptune / Sun spat for you means there’s something you need to find out about home or family matters, something that hasn’t been directly brought out into the open. Meanwhile, across town, sparks are flying on the career front. It seems the career path you’re on is clashing with something on the inside – is it not a labour of love any more? Is there some envy about what lovin and bizniz partners are getting from their career paths that you’re not getting from yours? Dwell and plan. Remember, you’re in a process of clearing the decks.
Ah, Archer. What a different place the world will seem to you this time next week. The Dark of the New Moon in your 12th house of Meep! will abate by Wednesday. Then Mercury, the planet of chitty chat will be with you from Tuesday, and news you’ve wanted, and questions that have needed answers will start falling into your in-tray straight away. Then from Sunday the Sun comes getcha and your mojo re-appears. Huzzah! Where Neptune is kicking you behind the knees is in your third house of communication. The Sun squaring Neptune in this configuration is prime Porkie Pie central. Don’t be the one fibbing and be very circumspect about news you hear on Monday. No, you can’t buy a gold watch for a fiver... Word. Wednesday, a dream of travel or with foreign/studious connections hits a ding and you scweam. It’s duty/work/money stuff getting in the way and a little time, a matter of weeks, need to go by before you can launch that Big Plan.
Monday’s New Moon in Scorpio is your annual wishing moon so light a candle and make a wish for the things you want in your life during the next 12 months... From the inner recesses and cosmic ordering back to the real world now with a thump. Where you need to watch out early doors this week is your wallet, Goat. Neptune crosses swords with the Sun in your bank vaults so be on guard for deluding yourself fiscally. Don’t ignore the small print or pretend that putting ‘it’ on the plastic won’t hurt. Money isn’t rubbery. It only stretches so far and the piper always comes a-calling – perhaps as soon as Wednesday this week. Ouch. In other news: It’s time to prepare for your month of retreating inside the mountain to rest before your birthday month arrives. Mercury and the Sun will be under the bushel by the weekend so expect energy and news to be slower than usual. It’s no time to push yourself out in the big wide world. What is rather pretty though is Venus, still in your party zone for another few weeks. Socialise now, but make it informal affairs from the weekend.
Neptune’s in your first house of You, Yourself, and You so as he makes a tricky angle to the Sun, it seems a wake up call is in order. Neptune, while he stimulates dreams and creativity, can also give us the mutha of all Pollyanna effects where we believe we can almost walk on water or survive on blackberries. The Sun rules your 7th house of close one to onesies and it seems a bidniz or lovin’ partner is about to shake you. Perhaps they’re putting you straight vz career issues that you’ve been unable to see through your Neptunian haze - or worse they’re showing painful disrespect for your reliance on intuition in decision-making... This affront lands then festers – watch Wednesday for rows and fisticuffs. Fight fair though. In prettier news: a special link between Mercury and Saturn on Tuesday sez your commitment to a Big Future Plan, including study and travel, gets good news, even good financial news. It seems that wishing what you wish for hard enough can sometimes pay off. Intuition rocks huh?
Neptune, your misty ruler, is currently breast-stroking his way through your 12th house of Meep! It means that you often feel slightly drunk, as if you don’t completely exist and can’t rely on reality to provide firm surfaces to walk on or facts that you can bite down on. And so, this week, Neptune King of the Seas clashes with the Sun, King of the Skies, and you may feel broaded-sided by a reality moment that you don’t see coming. A route you were planning concerning study, foreign, or legal issues doesn’t stack up in the light of The Facts. You’re feeling deceived, and by Wednesday you’re taking it out in the office or feeling old health ticks flaring up again with the stress. A Wake Up call is sometimes a necessary thing, Fishy. And things will get better. Within the next few weeks your house of career will be lighting up like a Christmas tree. Watch Tuesday for tidings of how career will be bringing you Big Cash Income in the coming months...
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
6 days ago