Hello peepies, it used to bug me when other astrologers disappeared for a week or two but maybe that's just me being neurotic and high maintenance. Anyhoo, I'm taking a few weeks off from the blog and will be back with a monthly scope for September on 6 September, the day before Mercury goes retrograde... Hmmm. If it all goes to cheese, normal service will be resumed as soon as the celestial pixie lets me through. In the meantime, regular Tweets will be cominacha with thoughts for the day and culinary tips.
This week the sky has a mix of high kicking and slow tangoing planetary dance moves including three Sleeping Beauty VOC Moons... grrr... you mean we have to make excuses to clock off from work and then lie around drinking tea and watching re-runs of 30Rock? Pah! Life's too tough. Book your place on the sofa and get your choice choccy bar in for 8am - 3pm Tuesday, 11am - 3pm Thursday, and 12.45pm - 4.15pm on Saturday BST. Saturn conjuncts Mercury tomorrow, the day we also go into the Mercury shadow of its 7 September retrograde. Double check what you're agreeing to/signing up to early doors this week and make sure you like the terms otherwise it may not get properly nailed until 8 October. Mars squares Uranus on Wednesday and the world may seem a leetle crazier than usual and then Mercury opposes Uranus on Friday... deals done early in the week could be changed or called off altogether. Scream at the wall when no-one's looking rather than at the dog, your boss, the waiter. There's also a New Moon in Leo on Thursday. Perhaps her energy will show a New Way forwards in the aftermath of Uranus's wappy hoohaa. For where you can turn over a new leaf, see My New Leaf below. Have a great summer!
New: Astroducky’s weekly soundtrack!
This week’s Astroducky was written to the prettiness and summery sounds of Francoise Hardy, French chanteuse of the 60s who is also an astrologer donchuknow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnplhr9wZWQ
My New Leaf: New approaches to chilun, lovers, and self-expression are called for. If you’re feeling out of your depth early in the week, and being a right drama queen on Wednesday, make amends from Friday. And do it from the heart - as in don’t just say sorry, actually stop doing whatever your thing is!
My New Leaf: Decisions need to be made on home and family. Early in the week you may not be sure which way is up with that perticaler box of tricks. Get ready to meditate on it. Thursday the New Moon lands here. Give her time to brew then busta move at the weekend. NB: Wednesday throws a surprise into your budget… Gather, gather. Is there a market for your creative ideas…?
My New Leaf: You’re making deals with family early in the week but feeling like you’re not getting your point across well at the office by Wednesday. Don’t get overwhelmed – get lunar. On Thursday, have a think about how you state your case - and how you can make improvements.
You’re feeling bold and keen to sign on the dotted line on Monday but check the small print, especially where money is concerned. Then Wednesday you seem to go into panic mode and strike out like a knee-jerking crazy crab. What spooks ya bebe? Something about foreign, studious, or publishing plans are over-taxing you. My New Leaf: Money, bebe. It’s time to get your cheese together financially. I’ve one word to say to you. Budget.
My New Leaf: The New Moon is yours, Majesty. You’re signing up to financial deals Monday and making some sort of compromise on the work front. By Wednesday you’re suddenly getting wise to Big Bills you’d forgotten / chosen to ignore. Which is it? When the New Moon lands on Thursday, make a New Wish for yourself. And if that includes being tidier with the royal coffers, then so be it. Your loveliness.
Your face is on the phone Virgo and it says you need to pick it up. Ahh! With Virgo rising I get the cosh thing Virgo, and if your face is trailing along the floor, I have good news - the load is going to lighten. The Sun arrives with you on Sunday 23 August. This week, be clear what you’re signing Monday, brace yourself for workplace wappiness on Wednesday, and on Sunday feel the power of your creative or lovin ventures. My New Leaf: A New Moon in the 12th house is a time to see where you limit your horizons. See it. Think about it. Make changes from Sunday.
If you’re feeling reprimanded or hamstrung by conversations early in the week, try and see this as part of the cleansing process you’re going through and which will lift in October. In the midst of any work craziness on Wednesday, you’ll get a sense that you know new ways to rise above it all. My New Leaf: Is it time you opened yourself out to new friendships?
A reality-bites conversation on Monday could be arriving just in time. On Wednesday Mars and Uranus square up and a creative project/endeavours with chilun clash with your cash, money, lettuce. Gather. My New Leaf: Thursday’s New Moon in your 10th house of success says that any hiccups from the reality check or Mars/Uranus bunfight galvanise you onwards, and upwards!
On Monday check how much that holiday or course of study is going to set you back. The same day, talks at work look like you’re being offered a deal for the long-haul. Nice. At home though, partners are going off like a Catherine Wheel mid-week. Are changes at home or clashes with family causing stress? My New Leaf: Teh New Moon lands in your zone of holidays and study. If Monday's cash situation is baaaad, the New Moon sez a new approach will fix it.
Monday and you’re signing up to the long-haul either booking a holiday, a course of study, or signing a work contract. Make sure you’re getting the right cash return for your input… Wednesday and rows at work are likely due to someone changing the goalposts. Everyone’s going to be at the end of their rope. Try and be the calm one. My New Leaf: Lands doink in your 8th house of sex, death, and taxes. Do you need to work on intimacy and letting go?
Monday and you’re signing up to a bank loan, credit card, or big freelance contract. On Wednesday cash and everyday work are linking up harmoniously too kerching! However, it’s also time to settle a big bill on creative plans or on the children. What goes up must come down, right? My New Leaf: How can you improve your love and bizniz affairs? Do you need to ask for more? Or do you need to show more appreciation?
You’re signing up to a partnership of sorts on Monday, mebbes a loving ting, mebbes a bizniz partnership, perhaps even a housey housey contract. By Wednesday though you’re into panic mode. Have you moved too fast? Is it what you wanted? Uranus and Mars mean you’re panicking about cash money. Get out your calculator. Check the facts. My New Leaf: Work and health, Fishy fish! The New Moon sez eat your greens, do a few more laps of the tank, smile at your co-workers.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
1 week ago