Oof. Astroducky is in pain. Being something of an impatient gourmand, I decided that the stuffed pepper had been in the oven quite long enough (two hours, I tell you!) and so snarked the lot. Foolhardy missy! The brown rice was still v v v al dente. And now I’m bloated like a puffa fish in its Sunday best. (Hark! Look to the lady…! Ooh… is it a lady…?) Have tied knot in hanky to remind self to use white rice or par cooked brown rice in future. Muppet! And so from the kitchen to Eclipse Numero Dos! Eclipses are a time of closing doors and opening others. As this is a New Moon, it’s a chance to Turn Over a New Leaf and let some old redundant fears go bye bye. (You can see Astroducky’s take on 12th House Fears here… http://doing-it-astrology.blogspot.com/2009_06_21_archive.html ) The New Moon Eclipse is landing on Wednesday 03.35 BST at 29 degrees of Cancer, just one teensy weensy degree before the Sun returns to his happy happy home of Leo… Is this significant? Why yesirree Bob. It’s like the build up before midnight strikes on New Year’s Eve x 1,000 or so. Plus as the Eclipse lands on a Wednesday, the day of communications champ Mercury, this is the mutha-ship for mekkin wishes people. Burn a yellow candle for Mercury as close to 03:35am BST as you can (but if it’s 6.42pm, I’m sure the Universe won’t mind a jot). For where the New Moon Eclipse and the Sun’s move into Leo affects you, see below.
There’s more on the Eclipse and the Yellow Candle here: http://womansworldmagazine.blogspot.com/
Wednesday’s New Moon Eclipse lands in your 4th house and lights the touch paper for activities in your 5th house. It seems that changes in your role vz home and family are needed so you can really push forwards ho! with your need to Have Fun, Spend More Time Expressing Yourself, and/or Start a Family, Increase Your Family, Spend More Time with Your Children/Inner Child. Funsies, eh?! You bring the bucket and I’ll bring the spade! The 4th house also shows us where our old familial habits lie too. If you’ve noticed yourself turning into your Pa (or Ma) of late and it’s not a Great Lifestyle Choice for you, then you’ve got the Universe’s green light (Mercury’s yellow light) this week to walk away from it Renee. Potato painting, flirtation, and child-time are The Future. Livin’ the dream!
How you speak, Hoof-Features, is up for a Cosmic master-class. It’s time for you to welcome in a whole new level of belonging and verbal dominion over your pasture and your chosen herd. Stubborness to the point of ‘holding it all in’ and then exploding, may be the cartoon illustration on your bizniz card, but has it brought you happiness? Mmm. Has it?! Don’t hang that head in shame. No! Instead get ready to speak like the voice from the burning bush. This Wednesday, with your yellow candle on max, invoke the power of clear speaking. You are not your parents. Things do not need to carry on at home as they have been doing. You are allowed to put yourself first. Around the 5th of August, when the final eclipse lands for 2009, a two year process of push and pull and crises vz Bully Bull Towers and Kin, reaches its culmination. Be the master, ca va bien? [PS Your weekend looks super!]
For you, Airy One, the New Moon Eclipse augurs in the beginning of a two-year process in which you get serious about money on the 9 – 5 and perhaps a little more clued up on what you own and what you’re worth. This is no bad thing. Earth energy is an important part of your daily wash and any little crises now will hopefully be no more than a gentle wake up call to give your earth energy an MOT. This week the Eclipse lands on your ruler’s day, Wednesday, and then the Sun and Moon slide into your 3rd house of communication… Do you see what the beautiful Universe has done there?! As you burn that yellow candle, draw in some cosmic chitty chat skills that are going to help you help yourself vz asking for what you’re worth in future.
The New Moon Eclipse lands in your home, Claw features, your sensitive first house of You, Yourself, and You. If you’re feeling a tad ragged Monday / Tuesday, go easy on yourself and give in to those creature comforts, iced buns, lemon meringue pie, tiny fishes… In the coming two years, you’ve a number of Eclipses ahead all designed to help you recognise how what is going on outside you is a reflection of what is going on inside you. Mirror, mirror and so on… This is a New Moon Eclipse so it’s a Great Time to make a Head Start. As the candle melts, note down what in your world is unbalanced. Then think about what you can address Within You to address the imbalance Out There. Money, possessions, and earnings are likely high on the list for now.
An Eclipse in your 12th house is never an obvious bowl of cherries, your liege, but then have you seen any abstract works of art lately… and how they may not be as they first a-p-peaar…? No…? Oh… What ‘Ducky is saying is that sometimes acknowledging where we are, ahem, drifting Off Course can be just the ticket to help us re-look at something and approach it with a new tactic. When we reflect on it within a matter of days, we realise that the blip has turned out to be a rather beneficent whatsit… You are of course perfect in so many ways, your Lordshipstress. As the royal candle burns on Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning the key thought in the majestic mind could be, “How could I be more happily me?” There may be things/attitudes/fears that you realise you have outgrown, perhaps, your Gorgeousness…?
This is a Big and Pretty Eclipse, delightful Virgo. Yes it is. Stop expecting a clap of thunder! Or a damp squib! This New Moon Eclipse landeth in your 11th house of Wishes and the Signpost to your Future points Here: friendships, sharing, lowering intolerance, building new networks, strength in numbers, believing in your dreams, going for your dreams... And all this on Mercury, your ruler’s day too, bringing you a Brucey Bonus to the yellow candle tingaling... But hark! What happens when the Sun and Moon slide into your 12th House of Meep! within a few hours!? Is your inner cynic rubbing her hands with glee?! Just hold it there sister! To reach those beautiful dreams in your heart, Virgo, you will have to stride through your fears. If you say anything to Mercury and the Moon (and your friends) about the coming journey, ask them to manifest at your side as your favourite cartoon characters whenever you wobble.
For you the soup du jour is Success and what it means to You – not what your Granny wanted for you, or your Ma. But you! What do you want for you? Are you an individual? Are you here manifesting all that you are here to manifest? Phew. That feels better. Scales, you like to prevaricate, and you can see the billions of ways that everything has good and bad in it. But time keeps on slipping into the future, as the song goes, and it’s time to switch career, or make switches in your career to get to be the Scales you were destined to be. Watch Wednesday for a hope for the future and Thursday for a shot to the arm of your wishes, possibly via friends. (PS The weekend looks coochy coo too. Time to squeeze a lover on a slow boat to China? Or a fast train to Paris..?)
Your 9th house of foreign ting, studying, teaching, and long-haul planning is lit up like a Christmas tree by the Eclipse… only for that energy to then plop into your 10th house of career, fame, and success. What Astroducks is suggesting is that your current inklings for the future, particularly those which concern foreign/travel connections, studying, or teaching, seem to hold a key to your sense of Success and Makin’ It in the Big Wide World. There may be changes to your everyday wash needed to get to those places, and some persuading of family members before you can crack on (watch 5 August for clues). But the key seems to lie in allowing what’s going on inside you to manifest out here. Watch the stuff that pops randomly out of your mouth and start panning for gold.
It’s all going on around the cash axis in your chart, Archer. Not only is Pluto chanting constantly in the background about the value of money, the power of money, and whether you need more to feel safe, you’ve now got a two-year spate of Eclipses exploring the bigger cash questions – mortgages, wills, lotto wins, credit, and debt. At Wednesday’s New Moon Eclipse, Astroducky rather suggests you get real about your Incomings and Outgoings and where you’ve been slapdash with dosh in the past, you get it sorted. Now’s a good time. You’ll be glad that you did. As the Sun dives into your 9th house on Thursday, foreign travel becomes extra appealing. If your bank balance is too tight to mention don’t whack it all on credit! Watch a foreign film or eat food stuffs from a country you can’t pronounce instead.
With a New Moon Eclipse landing in your 7th house of close one-to-onesies, it’s a time of taking stock on who you’re with – or why you’re not with someone you’d like to be with. Single Goats are at a Day of Reckoning where What you Put Out There is a clear indicator of why you’re not getting the good stuff back. Coupled Up Goats are either re-engaging with their squeeze – or stepping away from one lover to make way for Something More Appropriate. This goes for bizniz partners too. With the Sun sliding into your 8th house of Sex, Death, and Taxes your decision will have immediate consequences. Pay offs, pay ins, or some deep lovin’ oobah.
There’s a re-launch to office and medicine cabinets about you, Inventive One, so if you feel a little under par and overwhelmed Monday and Tuesday, go easy and get ready for your cosmic reload in the small hours of Wednesday morning. Health issues are something you would do well to attend to. Physical discomforts are a sign that your fabalas mind isn’t unwinding often enough. What does seem purdy though is the Sun’s shift into Leo on Thursday. There seems to be others around – bizniz and lovin partners – who can help pick up the slack. Send them out for whisky, and have hot toddies for two. (PS The weekend looks coochy smoochy. Best underwear only!)
If you were hoping to take a creative idea and make it into a bizniz, then now could be the time. Your New Moon Eclipse lands in your 5th house of Creative Expression before both the Sun and Moon slide into your zone of office and medicine cabinets. It seems your health, well-being, and wealth come through balancing your creative side with your financial and work responsibilities. In the next two years, the emphasis of the eclipses will fall in your zones of wishes, and friends, as well as lovers, children, and creative potato painting style adventures. Get work stuff sorted this coming month to allow room for these gorgeous things to rise and shine!
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