After the prettiness of Sunday’s Solstice and the kisses between Mars and Venus (which linger like musky parfum on the air until Wednesday) it’s a bumpy start to the week. Monday’s New Moon in Cancer faces off to Pluto and just when we’re weak as kittens, reality seems to kick us in the shins. Notice if you’re reacting to the rabbit-in-headlight thang, and perticalerly on Sunday don’t change your plans based on spurious doubts and fears. Tuesday’s your day of reckoning. The week then mellows out until Friday when Mercury squares off to Saturn. News from authority figures, parents, or institutions may not be to your liking. Or vice versa. (Anyone handing their notice in..?) This week your Owt Else? concerns Sedna and You. Next week: a sign-by-sign mini-guide to getting the most from Eclipse season. Finally for now a HEADS UP: Astroducky sits in for the ever-lovely Yasmin Boland at Yahoo Australia on 30 June and 2 July. See more at
While you’ve been out thumping your fists on the boardroom table and focusing hard on your bank vaults – there’s something you may have forgotten Ramface… home. It’s time to reconnect to home and family, have guests over, host dinner parties, and mow the lawn. You’ve been earning cash, now spread it around. Friday: watch your horns with work colleagues, and your tongue to boot. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she has a meeting with Venus then your ruler Mars. There seem to be opportunities for you to straighten out money matters for the good of all. Sedna sez those who tinkle in the tent will pay.
If you need to speak wait until after Wednesday; there seems to be too much riding on it to not give it your best shot. What is mekkin you see red is cash: creative projects and dough aren’t stacking up. Watch Friday for news. Negotiate terms. This will come up again in July and August. You’re in such a strong inner place. You can do this and excel at it. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets your ruler Venus then Mars. It’s time to take your innate talents out to the world. Sedna sez there’s profound healing in supporting others but only go the extra mile for those who deserve it.
A week to pick it up where money is concerned; stark fiscal truths are coming at you now and by the weekend you may need to cut corners on home expenses or even consider renting the spare room over the summer. Spreading the resources you have now seems to offer all kinds of solutions, even on a profound level. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus then Mars in your deep dark 12th house. Sedna sez it’s time to reconsider your allegiances and diary. There’s healing in supporting others, you’re right. And vice versa. Don’t be afraid to seek help – and don’t feel obliged to keep giving to causes that don’t deserve it.
As the Sun and Moon enter your space they oppose Pluto. A close one-to-onesie is scaring the bejezus out of you. Is it a bizniz partner taking you off into unchartered waters? Is it a lover enticing you out of your shell? Power is written all over this. Be sure it’s good power not power games; they always end in tears or a trouncing, Crab. Monday, don’t change your mind until you have all the facts in. Friday say nothing; you’re too introverted to sell yourself. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of friends and wishes. One-way friendships won’t cut the mustard any longer. Likewise for wishes; dream of the win-win for all and steer the pedalo that way.
Your confidence seems to take a bit of a nosedive this week – perhaps triggered by changes at work or old health issues. It’s the time of year that you’re most vulnerable and woosy, so retreat for a while. Success comes in many guises, and being able to show your humanity and fallibility is one of them. Friday and being wise about money means curtailing a spending spree. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of career and fame. It seems the caring sharing theme is getting another cosmic token, Pussycat. Community matters matter. Be generous to your audience. Be appreciative of your sponsors.
You’re into party month, a welcome relief from the heavy-weight cosmic cosh you’ve been under. Friends, social circles, and networking are your designated playing fields. Indulge! Overseas, publishing and studious plans are healing you. Friday may be iccy: authority figures and you can’t agree. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of publishing, broadcasting, study, foreign ting, and law. Virgoan’s taking cases to court need to think hard about what they are pursuing and why; make it for the good of all not just a piqued ego. For all Virgos it seems what goes around comes around. Campaigning for the greater good gives you a head start.
Breakthroughs are coming, starting at Libra Towers. Changes to how or where you live may bring opportunities for greater success even though the disruption may feel painful at first. A road is opening out in front of you concerning a foreign connection or training opportunities and yet you seem afraid to take it. Is the past holding you back? Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets your ruler Venus and Mars in your zone of letting go and transformation. Standing in another’s shoes is impossible, but listening is. A healing transformation is ready to take place but only if truly based on unilateral needs.
You’re re-committing to plans for your own success and although a bit wobbly Monday – you’ll be ready to name it Tuesday. Changes to your everyday world may be needed so you can get to where you’re going, but you’re okay about that. The bigger picture is the name of the game; the journey is your destination. Friday: it may be time to prune parts of your social circle. Reliable friends are what you want. Flibbertygibberts need not apply. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of one-to-onesies. The give and take involved in supporting others does bring profound healing and a sense of purpose - but never to a doormat. You and your lover each have terms and conditions. It’s time to re-invoke them.
It seems there’s nothing going on but the rent, Ms Guthrie… Monday’s New Moon links up to Pluto across your financial axis and an overhaul of how you earn and spend is your soup du jour. You’re reviewing your worklife too and close one to onesies and you may not see eye to eye on Friday. Are you all work and no play these days? Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of health and work. It’s okay to be putting the effort in if you’re getting your just rewards but you may need to take stock of that two-way street this week. Supporting others and working for a cause will bring you a greater sense of purpose on the 9 - 5.
There’s a need to face some of your inner poop, Goat. Changes often come through challenge and right now your close one-to-onesies are acting as mirrors so you can see (a) the things you like most about them which you hope to emulate and (b) the things you like least about them which are, ahem, probably traits in yourself too... Across town: Conversations on Friday at the office clash with your commitment to your own personal highway. The highway will win but clashes come again in July and August. Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of creativity, children, and lovers. You can heal yourself through self-expression but only by giving space to others to express theirs right back. When it comes calling, can you embrace difference? Wild flowers are beautiful too.
If you’ve been eschewing the treadmill and responsibilities at the office from Tuesday No More. It’s time to put your back and creative brain cells into the 9 – 5 and rejig the health regime. You’re afraid of something here – what is it? Morphing into someone different – or feeling like you’ll never be the best? Just be the best you that you can be. Creative projects or lovers cause headaches on Friday. What needs to change? Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of home and family. There’s a balance to be struck between sharing your home assertively and sharing it like a sergeant major. You can be gentle and strong simultaneously, allow others to have their ground rules too.
You’ve a feeling in your waters that what you want viz home and family is not being respected; you say nothing Monday but then may have Strong Words about it on Friday. Smile, Fish – this is a big pretty cosmic lesson about being able to say what you feel and ask for what you want. It’s okay. Make like the dogfish whisperer: calm assertive all the way! Owt Else? Sedna is a cosmic body who represents give and take. On Sunday this week and Tuesday next she meets Venus and Mars in your zone of communication and community. Fishes fighting a local cause will feel alive as they swim with this warm, cosmic front. For others it’s assertive communication all the way. No piranha though, thankee.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
1 week ago