Looking ahead to the whole of June is mekkin Astroducky smile a leetle. It’s not that there are rainbows around every corner (this is the complex planet earth mothership, remember?) but there is movement and the beginnings of A Might Shove… Eclipse season cometh in July… Sign and seal what you can by 22 June. After then it’ll be 12 August before the earth stops moving. More on this next week. For now Mercury goes direct today (Sunday) so within a week what’s been entangled should start to make sense. Tricky manoeuvres this month are at their most tense at the Full Moon of the 7th, and when Saturn and Pluto snarl at passing planets on the 5th, 22nd, 23rd, and 26th. On an altogether squidgier note, Mars and Venus hook up for a tongue sarnie from 18th – 26th all the while mekkin’ commitment noises to preacherman Saturn, mmhmm. Astroducky is off out to buy a hat!
June: An enticing month in which you move away from centre stage and your fire and brimstone - and begin to start ‘sorting out’ the reason for your rather thrusty modus of late. It seems that money has been the cause of much of your concern, possibly because you haven’t had all the facts to hoof. And so. By mid-month it may be time to (a) apologise and/or (b) pick up the pieces and move on from the smouldering bridges you’ve left in your wake. Regular income is what you crave and there are chances to sign up to more lucrative, steady work around 18th – 26th. The Full Moon next Sunday seems to be clashing work or health against foreign shores or study plans; work has to win and you know it. Home life maybe bearing the brunt of career stresses and around the 22nd it may be time to turn over a new leaf and start treating your home like a sanctuary. What you need to watch for is locking horns when doors seem to be closing on the 5th and 26th; maybe it’s the Universe’s way of telling you there’s another, more fulfilling corridor for you to try.
June: A relieving month in which you have days in floaty dresses rather than nights hiding behind potatoes. Mars is with you from today bringing you raa energy. Mercury is now direct in your first house of You and you can sort the wheat from the chaff of your thoughts - and have the confidence to spit ‘em out at last! From the 7th, Venus, your floaty ruler, comes home to you too. Secret love affairs and secret admiration/admirers pop out now (and you’ll be much more inclined to get the money you deserve doing things that you love). What is v v v v v cute about June for you is the meeting of Mars and Venus between 18 – 26th. After three months of wondering ‘What the…?!’ vz your love-life you get the power, insight, and passion to approach love on your terms and nothing less. Whoopaah. On the ‘challenging’ side of June, there’s sticky stuff on 5th and 26th when an authority figure seems to be holding onto the purse strings. The Full Moon of the 7th raises passion to new heights or ups the ante on an ending (of an affair or work commission), and the 10th and 17th bring a bag of mixed blessings with friends, wishes and your career. Finally your zone of study, travel and publishing gets lots of arrows fired at it this month. Look out for notes attached to these arrows; they offer directions to follow. More next week.
June: An enervating month overall. Mars and Venus traversing your 12th house of Meep! all month will have you feeling that (a) even the walls are talking about you and (b) there’s not enough love in your life. What’s important to remember is that these planets, in revealing your fears to you, are giving you the chance to deal with them once the transit is through, in July. Having your ruler here too until 15th June is going to make you feel emotionally impotent, unable to say what you want or defend yourself. His turn to direct motion today (Sunday) will be at least making you sense that your chance is coming, and that in itself will take a load off. With all these thoughts in your head, clashes at Gemini Towers with family are more likely around the 5th and 26th. What is giving you strength is the Sun, here with you until 22nd when money issues reach a peak. The Sun sez there’s happiness around and opportunities to shine; perhaps it’s time to give up on the naysayers and follow your own star?
June: A steady month with some emotional peaks. Socialising and networking are your soup du jour in the coming weeks – as well as plenty of early nights in between. You’re into the final furlong of your year and the Sun will be right with you come the 22nd kick-starting you for the next 12 months. This week friends and wishes seem to be provoking deep changes within; watch how these culminate around 22 – 23rd when a close one-to-onesie triggers something of a mini-rebirth in you – or a Titan’s bunfight. Your main challenges this month seem to be how you pit your fear against honest communication. Perticalerly around 5th and 26th be en guard D’Artanyan for under-selling yourself or reverting to baby-speak when you could be being authentically you. Finally for now there’s a mixed bag of blessings around the 10th and 17th; surprises and disappointments connect wishes, money, and letting go. Should the lucky dip offer no more than an empty box, try to remember that it’s the taking part that counts.
June: A dancey month with career goal posts up ahead. After the flurry of activity in your zone of broadcasting, foreign shores, studying and legal whatnot, June sees you sliding into summer with your eyes on fame, glory, and career success – with plenty of partying thrown in for good measure. Clinching deals during a frenzied ‘Saturday Night Fever’, social networking, calling in favours from friends, getting a round in at the bar. That’s the way to play it, Pussy Cat. What seems to be urging you forwards is money; as in there not being enough of it around. Credit crunch or no, Saturn is making you wise up about things like savings and pension plans and you want a job with all the trimmings and fringe benefits, sort of like a Cowgirl. You’ll feel the pinch on the 5th and 26th and be spurred on. Meantime your love-life and close one-to-onesies are bringing you solace - or a drinking habit. Watch for blips around the 10th but rather smoother sheets by the 17th. Finally from the 22nd it’s time to rest. The Sun sinks into your 12th house and won’t be basking your throne again until 23rd July. Cocoa and an early night for Felix, signed the doc.
June: A big month with big decisions to be made. Action stations are your first house of You, your 5th house of creative expression, chilun and squeezies, and your 9th house of foreign affairs, study, and publishing. A mixed and glorious bag – and they all link up! From 1 – 3rd and 7 – 9th you’ve chances to take your creativity out into the wider world. Dings in the road may land around the 5th and the 7th, first from bosses then from family; your broadening lifepath may even mean a house move up ahead and not everyone may be thrilled about that. Around the 10th, 15th, and 17th surprising offers show partners are on side and there’s a real push towards career success but be ready to negotiate existing health and work responsibilities. There’s incredibly good stuff between the 18th – 26th. As Mars and Venus meet, they make a groovy trine to Saturn in your first house of You. This is cosmic love, money and energy helping you push forwards as Your Own Leader. At month’s end there seems to be a mean-spirited, parting salvo or a modesty in you that needs shaking. Nothing next month’s eclipses won’t deal with…
June: A transforming month. Changes for the better around Libra Towers are on the cards, perticalerly between 1 – 9th. These are deep-rooted changes with a ‘letting-go’ feel rather than merely doing-the-dishes. For some Librans this could be moving the squeeze in; for others something a lot more metaphorical about clearing the clutter of bad habits and old family traits. By 22nd – 23rd this home and family zone is in the news again, this time crashing up against the Sun and New Moon. There’s a shifting of mother/father roles – and more literally a need to get your house the way you want it as A Grown Up. (Librans who’ve just moved a squeeze in, do you see what the Universe did there…?) The 5th and 26th may feel difficult. You get a bruising sense of how far you need to go to reach your future goals; but this is the necessary pull towards the carrot. By October you will be ready. The Big Juicy news for you is the meeting up of cosmic lovers Mars and Venus between the 18th – 26th. After these past weeks of reviewing, unpicking, and pursuing love, it seems time to merge or part company. (Librans still unsure of moving the squeeze in may want to wait for this to pass first…)
June: A month for cosmic lovin’. Mars, Venus, and Mercury move through your 7th house of close one-to-onesies in June bringing with them fire, passion, and anger, love, sweetness, and flirtation, and talky talky thinky negotiations. There’s been a feeling that ‘important’ talks have been stalling or going awry, perticalerly to do with love, what it is… what you want it to be… and where it’s going next. Impatience may feel like your first emotion. Under that is the desire to merge. Conversations from 1 – 3rd and 7 – 9th pack a punch (most likely smelling of heady roses and musky ylang ylang. Wink!) So choose these dates to get right to the heart of what matters. In re-enforcing your commitment to one close relationship in June you may find the need to move away from others; friendships and social circles may get a pruning. Watch 5th and 26th for opportunities to reinforce or relinquish other attachments. Finally next Sunday’s Full Moon lands in your 2nd house of money. If you feel a crisis, think about ways changing your home life could save or make you cash.
June: A month for putting time in to the one-to-onesie. There’s a building energy in the coming weeks in your zone of one-to-onesies. Starting from the Full Moon in your sign on Sunday, you reach and annual emotional Check In. It’s time to assess your emotional needs and how/if/whether your close partners are supporting you. The Sun is lighting the way and Mercury brings you the impetus to talk about any issues from mid-month. On the 5th and 26th you seem to feel that partners aren’t being supportive with your career responsibilities. Maybe the emotional Check-In conversation could start here? In the meantime what seems to be pepping you up are financial gains on the job front. Work could be transforming your bank balance from 1 – 3 June and then 7 – 9th but be careful of spending like a sailor. Around the New Moon of 22nd and into the 23rd big expenses may be eating up the month’s earlier gains.
June: A month for truths. Creative notions (including mekking bebes) are floating around your pretty ears from 1 – 3 and 7 – 9th of the month. It seems some deep changes within you are ready to be reflected out in the big wide world – whether that’s potato painting, attracting new types of lovers, or procreating. Watch how this idea unfolds and what seems to hamstring you a long the way. As the New Moon dawns on 22nd you’ve two days of facing up to some real truths about yourself through the mirror of a close one-to-onesie. You may not like it one jot; but remember the lecture posted here regarding being the Bully or the Leader Who Rules With Actual Power? Pluto is the reason. Think on, then wield him as you will (remembering that he will wield you better). In between this dream and this Moment of Truth work is motoring along but as if with a faulty engine. Around the 5th and 26th boss figures and messenger boys scupper your foreign and future plans. It’s simply a question of negotiating the hurdle and waiting for a direct flight before you fly.
June: A month for home, family, and creativity whatsits. After going over and over the same stuff until you are blue in the face Mars and Venus are shoving off out of your 3rd house of tawking and into you zone of home and family. Mars brings rows, energy, the need to compete; Venus brings scatter cushions, wine, and Celine Dion (though anything with a floaty, ballad-feel will do). Pick and Mix inventive one. Meanwhile: across town and Mercury and the Sun are shining brightly in your zone of creativity, squeezies and chilun. Schedule tawks in these areas from 15 – 22 June. ON a cautionary note watch out for taking out your fears on home and family members from 1 – 3 June. Likewise around 22 – 23rd work issues may not be as bad as they appear. Give it a little time. What will need to shift this month is the need to transform your sense of (a) earning power (b) sexual expression. For clues, watch how you deal with lovers or creative projects around the 5th and 26th of the month. Then get ready to change.
June: A month to talk and listen. Standing up to squeezies, family, or close partners this month is going to feel trickier than it has of late. Difficult links around the 5th, 10th and 26th bring confrontations and you’re not as able to draw on that infamous gut feeling of yours as usual; or maybe it’s that you just don’t want to recognise what your intuition is telling you? The New Moon of the 22nd brings something of a re-launch to your love life. Single Fishes may have to fend off friends so they can get out on a date; long-termer Fishes may find they’re asked to start putting the bang back in the bedroom instead of being out on the town with friends. What is cosmic big for you is your ability to talk this month. Mars and Venus are in your zone of chitty chat and out of town trips. Coupled up Fishes should be enjoying romantic weekends and whispered dirty-somethings and sweet-nothings. Single Fishes – get out on your patch and ask!
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
1 week ago