How’s you? Yesterday’s Mars - Pluto square wasn’t easy. Pluto’s energy sez, “Look at The Truth, see What Is not just what you want to see.” Mars by nature proceeds regardless - only to come acropper… Lesson #4 in astrology then is angles. When planets face each other their angles tell us whether an ice-cream or a challenge is afoot. We’ll do ice-creams next week. This week let’s consider the Square (90°) and the Opposition (180°). The Square feels like a headlock. The Opposition, on the other hand, lets us see-saw between extremes, experiencing both planets’ energies with the option of reaching a rather brillog New Way Forwards by drawing from the best of both. Goodie! How we fare when obstacles arise though depends on our nature, our awareness, and how well we’ve learned from experience (plus a little bit of luck). For example, surviving a mountain trek when the weather turns bad means (a) sensing that it’s coming (b) knowing what needs doing and (c) being able to make sensible decisions during the crisis. Squares and Oppositions can make us cross, knee-jerk, or simply jerk-like. If we can resist the scweams of the ego and set out to ameliorate dangers until the storm has passed, we can then continue onwards to splendid vistas. How will you tackle the next Mars – Pluto Square 18 months from now? NEW: This week Doing-It covers the whole of May plus a short focus on This Week. Each month from now we’ll be doing a Month-to-View in Week 1.
MAY: You Are Gorgeous! You have Mars and his favourite bedfellow, Venus, with you all month. Single Rams are going to be smokin’ hot. Coupled up Rams are going to feel the love, love, love and the lust, lust, lust. Just don’t get too pushy. Sometimes a cup of tea and a cosy chat are the soup de jour, savvy? The Sun is making his way through your second house of lucre in May – as is Mercury, but this latter little critter is going backwards. Tsk. Cheques going missing in the post or payments being delayed are par for the course. It may be time to review money on the job front and when stickler Saturn moves into 1st gear from the 17th, work projects that stalled in January will be ready to Go! Best days: 26 – 27th. Friends, foreign plans, and wishes make you burst with happiness. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. Money and success aren’t matching up.
MAY: A tricky birthday month, BullyBull. Mars and Venus traverse your 12th house of Meep! and you suspect that others are up to no good. That may be the case. As Mercury reverses through your 1st house of You from the 7th you’re not being so clear yersen. Secret yearnings/affairs don’t stay secret under these stars; and watch for your temper bursting out this month too. Energy and people coming to you are curiously packaged gifts, here to trigger your fears so as they arise, you discover how to shrink them to pea-size, setting you free to squash ‘em. The 6th and 15th bring good news on love affairs and creative tingaling; from the 17th motor on any that have stalled since the New Year. The Full Moon of the 10th heightens emotions in a one-to-onesie; make love not war. From the 21st there appears to be success bounty. Check facts in June. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. One-to-onesies need clarity and it’s decision time between love/money and long-haul, publishing, or studying plans.
MAY: Just when you think it’s safe to start climbing up the mountain your ruler, Mercury, goes into reverse. From the 7th it seems you’ve forgotten something, likely your balls, Airy One. Where you are going needs courage and feistiness but it can’t work if you keep finding ways to upend yourself. Enoughski! Throughout May, wishes and future plans glisten up ahead. From 16 – 18th, be wary of selling yourself short or getting so defensive you puff your chest out too far. You’re good enough as you are. As the Sun arrives with you on the 21st your courage will start to gather. Be your own hero around the 21st and 26th when foreign, long haul or studious plans get a shot of serendipity. House moving and extending picks up from the 17th and the New Moon of the 24th is yours - a hearty giddy up for the serendipitous bolts of the 26th. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. A wish or friendship may have had its day.
MAY: Mars, the James T Kirk of your skies, and Venus, the gorgeous Uhura, are at the helm of Starship Crabsticks steering you towards money and success this month. Even Mercury’s impending uiiee (from 7 – 31st) can’t stall you. While other starsigns are struggling with beaming up glitches you’ve old friends and old wishes coming to call. Around the 9th a creative ting or love affair reaches emotional peaks at the Scorpio Full Moon. From 16 – 18th friendships come under review. Then on the 21st the Sun moves into your 12th house and your energy begins to dip especially around the dark of the moon on the 23rd and 24th. Rest up but when a pay out or serendipitous commission lands between the 21st – 26th, don’t let the low energy spoil the party. Just make it a tea party rather than an all-nighter. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. Needs of a close bidniz or lovin’ one-to-onesie arise and you have to give ground on love or money.
MAY: Thoughts of abroad, urges to study, or energy to get that book published are coursing through your veins this May, Pussycat. With Mars and Venus in this zone you can see that love + energy = passion in abundance; and overseas love-affairs in perticaler are going to be making you hot or cross or both. Meanwhile, back in the Jungle, work has your attention. Money seems to balance out from the 17th but is it enough? Cock on - your plans for fame and success get a jolt from 7 – 31st when Mercury hoofs backwards through the skies. Particularly watch 18th; things go awry or an old career offer may return. Whichever way you slice it May is time to plot your success. Do it well and June will send you into orbit. At month’s end love is getting sweet and surprising. Watch 21st and 26th for some serendipitous, soulmate-stylee moments, possibly with foreign connections. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. Work isn’t paying enough to suit your future needs.
MAY: A hot and sassy month, Virgo. Mars and Venus are dovetailing in your 8th house of sass, oof, and letting go… Watch 15th for breakthroughs. What brews now may not be sealed until June. Foreign, long-haul, study, and publishing plans are gathering a head of steam too. News and travels around the 6th are well starred but Mercury’s retrograde from 7 – 31st is less joyous. Manuscripts getting lost in the post are as likely as old offers coming back to the table. Chew, chill, and review. Again, June’s the time to clinch it. From the 17th, as curmudgeonly Saturn regains forwards motion in your first house of You, a weight comes off. Express it! Creative projects, love affairs and chilun are where to let your hair down. From 21st there’s fairy dust in the air; love affairs, home life, and work are conspiring. It’s starting to fit together... This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. A creative project or love affair hits a sexual hurdle or ding in the road.
MAY: All month Mars and Venus waltz through your 7th house of one-to-onesies. Mars is leading the dance so it may be a case of engage loins first and hearts second. They’ll catch up in June so just go where the music takes you. Guilt and a sense of not-being-good-enough lift from the 17th and you’ll find it easier to allow the good stuff in. (You’ve issues to unpack in the coming months but it’s getting easier.) Particularly around the 21st and 26th there seems to be magic in the air, as if Cupid is firing his sweet arrows at you on the hour every hour. In all this, keep your eyes peeled for Money Hiccups. Mercury’s uiiee in your bank vaults from 7 – 31st means that big cash ting – mortgages, loans, credit cards – may go teets up. The 10th may be perticalerly annoying. Check and double check transactions and anticipate delays. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. Home life and love life can’t stay as they are. Which is blocking which?
MAY: Work and Love have you busy as a bee throughout May, Scorpio. Mars and Venus are tearing through your 6th house of office and medicine cabinets bringing stress, hectic schedules and money. Right now servitude feels like a prison sentence. Venus should soften this but note down that feeling of ‘there must be more than this,’ so when opportunity strikes to set up shop at home, from the 21st – 26th, you’ve the buzz to do it. Love life noos: and the Sun seems to be warming your cockles until the 21st - at least there should be affection and attention going two-ways. What is interesting is Mercury’s uiiee in this zone from 7 – 31st. Old lovers popping out of the woodwork is starred – as are old conversations about old love issues. If you didn’t speak the whole truth last time round, do it now. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. You need to speak up about your pay packet; work hours and money aren’t stacking up.
MAY: The Big News for Archers is Fun! With Venus and Mars partying hard in your 5th house of lovers, bébés, and creative ting the sap is rising, the muse is dancing, and your yin and yang are in harmony. Single Archers are going to be extra eager to find a honey. Coupled up Archers could be planning baby Archers. Particularly between the 21st and 26th there are some beautiful moments and out of town trips with a lover on the 26 – 27th look heart-melting. Where you’ll need to lift your head off the picnic blanket is viz health or work issues. Pesky Mercury is about to head backwards from 7 – 31st in this zone... Work projects that seemed done may need re-doing, and you’ll be a lucky Archer if you don’t forget at least one meeting this month. Health-wise an old niggle may flare up. Diagnosis this month may give only half the picture. Look again in June. This Week: You’re breaking your budget on love, chilun, or creative activities. Rethink.
MAY: Your 4th house of home, family, and old ingrained habits are under the cosmic microscope. Mars here makes you feisty, angry, pushy, critical, impatient. Venus here makes you bake, garden, entertain, compromise. Where’s the middle ground? Not until there’s some connection to love, children, or creative expression will you settle – so let’s go back to the microscope. What is it about your current home, the hierarchy in your family, and your old ingrained habits that is preventing you from feeling at ease? Let it percolate. Answers which include money bubble up around the 21st and 26th. Use Mars’s energy to address rather than resist them. As Mercury reverses from 7 – 31st it’s time to review how well you shape your day job and your future visions too. Around the 18th you get a glimpse. Buckle up and get ready to ride it, Tiger. There’s creative abundance and fun coming in June. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. A sticking point provides a timely motivation for your review of home and family.
MAY: The Big Focus this month falls in your zone of bros and sisses, short out-of-town trips, and communications. Visits, rows, partays with siblings: check. Train rides to local cities or country retreats: check. Mobile phone and broadband packages, new cars, starting to say the things you’ve been bottling up for the past 6 weeks: check. Hope you’ve got hangover cures, bottles of water, and lozengers at the ready, Inventive one... But it seems this isn’t enough! There’s movement on the home and family front too. In fact conversations about home and family matters that you’ve already had are coming back to the table. With Mars and Venus ruling your zone of communications, it looks like you’ll be playing good cop and bad cop simultaneously to make sure you get what you want. Watch 21st and 26th for breakthroughs you’d only dreamed of. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. You’re on the back foot and speaking out of fear. Don’t. Just name the fear out loud and watch it disappear.
MAY: Oof is your big kahuna, Fishface. It seems that as your bank balance swells so does your taste for de finer things in life. Saving may not feel quite so gratifying but it will later… Also this month Mercury does a ueiie in your 3rd house of communications. Phones on the blink, post going missing, boats breaking down, trains getting delayed are par for the course. Watch particularly the 6th and the 30th and if you have to travel / post /speak on these days, pack a sense of humour. The 3rd house rules bros and sisses too; visits and revelations are on the cards. Perhaps the most significant May noos though is the once every 12 year meeting of your ruler, Neptune, with Jupiter. From the 21st and on into June (although circle 26th May as the Big One) it seems your intuition is guiding you... and this time, straight to the money. This Week: Venus squares Pluto at the weekend. A wish that you have needs more money to float. Aha!
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
6 days ago