So… Quickie Lesson in Astrology #2. Imagine 12 frogs on lily pads in a circular pond watching a pond skater and a water beetle. From wherever the frogs are watching the pond skater remains a pond skater and the water beetle remains a water beetle. What changes though is each frog’s perspective of the dance; to some it may be right up close, next to their lily bad. To others it’s taking part on the far side of the pond. This is how astrology works. Imagine the pond divided into 12 equal zones (the 12 frogs or 12 signs of the zodiac), each governing a sphere of life. As the Planets (pond skaters, water beetles) slide around the pond they dip in and out of our offices, medicine cabinets, families, love lives, psychological ticks, ambitions, self-sabotaging habits etc etc. If we listen and watch attentively the pond skaters and water beetles draw our attention to perticaler areas of life and reveal lessons we’re ready to learn. Lesson #3 next week. This Week: begins after any Mars-fuelled weekend meltdown. Once the dust has settled it’s a pretty groovy ride, with a potential hiccup around Thursday's Libran Full Moon.
A love or money issue you’ve been wrangling with hovers in mid-air all week. You’re beginning to question your judgement and that’s alright, where would we be if we didn’t? Watch out for blaming others, you’ll lose the argument by shouting. It’s time to let your guard down – not to be a doormat – but to get fiscally or emotionally nekked. How long can you keep holding in all those secrets without bursting? Good times with friends look set Tuesday and Thursday. Friday looks good for money. Your career and networking skills are bringing home the bacon. Full Moon Kaboom: Lands in your 7th house of One-to-Onesies. Feelings are running high. Make love not war, baby. Or make your point clearly and calmly – and let them reply - before you make tracks.
A break in the clouds comes this week Bull. Old friends and even secret admirers come calling to your pasture at the weekend reminding you that you’re loved and wanted. Even doubts you’ve had on the career front seem to be nudging you the right way with ideas popping up and self-defeating habits coming to your attention all frayed and flea-bitten. Thursday and out they go from the moving car window. What’s more, an idea for big future plans – study, emigration, publishing, broadcasting etc is back with vigour. This will keep growing stronger into June. Full Moon Kaboom: Work deadlines clash with friends. Plan ahead to fit everything in. Once done have another lie down. Nursey has spoken.
An old career offer is coming back to the dance floor. Money is part of the question. Gather info and play your cards close to your chest. Big changes are due in this zone next week and you’ll need to be nimble. Long range plans are gathering too. Tuesday and Thursday are days to push forwards on study, travel, or publishing/ broadcasting plans. The touch paper will be aglow in June. Finally, a line needs to be drawn under something at the weekend. What you say now will come back to haunt you – so make it assertive but fair. Full Moon Kaboom: Passions are running high viz lovers, creative ventures, and chilun’s needs. You’ve planets gathering in your zone of wishes so when it comes to lovers, creative ventures, and chilun be careful what you wish for as you just might get it!
A mixed box of choc delights cominacha this Easter, Clawface. Monday may be a disappointment but Tuesday and Thursday smell of success with love or money news and breakthroughs coming to fill out the gaps in your life. At the weekend, as Mercury changes gear, there’s a conversation with a one-to-onesie in the frame; name your deepest wishes. What’s really gathering a head of steam is your 9th house of foreign shores, study, publishing and broadcasting. Love and/or money are becoming part of the picture and they’re turning the heat up to max. Full Moon Kaboom: Commitments at home are getting in the way of bigger (foreign) plans. Now you know the balance doesn’t feel right you can start to do something about it.
Trips abroad with the honey are favoured with Tuesday and Thursday looking the most dweamy. Likewise, Leos thinking of popping the question or signing up for the long haul will be ready come June. Money tensions feel less inyaface this week. As Venus reverses back into your 8th house of sex, death, and taxes, aka Letting Go, a career bonus / tax rebate / inheritance could take the edge off financial woes. Or more happily an old lover may be back helping you to Let Go in other ways. Wink. This zone will be shaking your life up throughout April. Squeeze every last precious drop from this experience. You’ll never have this chance again. Full Moon Kaboom: You’re in the mood to shake your mane and roar. Far better to face your problems viz Oof and/or old lovers and stop displacing your fear.
Things are starting to shift. Firstly the space you’ve made by letting go… emotional hang ups, control, people, places, obligations etc… is now giving rise to a new availability to engage with future plans… study, travel, publishing etc… Even health problems are starting to ease. Secondly an old lover/love issue or biz partner is back on the dance floor and getting ready to tango. You’ve been wondering whether you were right to let go in the first place, but can you handle this much passion? It starts at the weekend reaching boiling point from next week. Full Moon Kaboom: A financial deal needs to be sewn up but if you feel you’re getting the smaller half [sic] shilly-shally for time. Dramatic changes are coming.
Beautiful words are floating around you like cherry blossoms, Scales. Circle Tuesday and Thursday for loving spoonfuls. Love issues aren’t fixed but the broken pieces are identified and that’s a great start. To get the love you’ve been asking for, you may need to put in most of the legwork over the coming six months but you know you need to shoulder that responsibility. Long overdue changes around Libra Towers begin at the weekend too; take it as a clear sign that you’re changing within. Full Moon Kaboom: The energy’s exploding in your first house of You, Yourself, and You. Direct the power towards your health and work life where dramatic changes are due next week.
As you take your foot off the gas at the office later this week you start to get a rising sense of what you’ve been avoiding - creative needs, plans with or for children, a dern lovelife! Work and health, home and family balance out this week and this frees up time for you to get creative and expressive. For the next three weeks Uranus, Mars, and Venus are taking you out on the Waltzers. Expect the unexpected with love, oobah and others generally, and yes the unexpected may include a future visit from the stork. Steady! Full Moon Kaboom: Decisions made Thursday viz chilun, creative tingaling, and lovers will not ring true come the weekend. Dither, dither and speak up when you’re feeling more together.
Tuesday and Thursday bring good news viz chilun, creative projects, and lovers with happy tidings culminating in June. For most Archers the strongest feeling in your waters are of shake ups on the home front due in the coming few weeks. Venus, Mars, and Uranus are dancing here from the weekend. Whether it’s changes to your mudhut or sudden changes within the family, Uranus is leading the group so these changes won’t tie in with your carefully thought out plans. This week nurture family ties and revisit your house-keeping or house buying budgets - then let the dance begin. Full Moon Kaboom: A clash between home needs and friends’ needs lands. Maybe you just need a time out from it all?
Money and home life seem inextricably linked. Goats selling under these skies will be happy with the deal (it should be wrapped up by mid-June). For others spoiling the family is giving you a sense of purpose while your metaphorical rudder is off at the workshop. For all Goats the rising tide in your 3rd house of communications, siblings, and out of town jaunts has got your attention. The first clue arrives at the weekend. Within two weeks you’ll be back at the same spot again, but this time not alone. Whether it’s a place, a dialogue, or a romantic issue for siblings, you’re learning how the journey to freedom feels by proxy. Full Moon Kaboom: Awkward conversations could nudge you onto the right career path. Don’t be proud. Ask and listen with passion.
Monday is irksome but Tuesday and Thursday bring glad tidings, Inventive One. Happy news from siblings and connections with home and family bring cheer to your heart and a sense of belonging to your fabalas mind. To top it all an old income stream you’ve been talking about comes a step closer later this week. Venus has returned to your bank vaults where she will join Uranus and Mars in the coming three weeks for a dance. Big financial changes are starred but also the ability to find money under unexpected stones. Full Moon Kaboom: Financial quandaries could feel like they’re knocking long-term plans off kilter. Don’t count your shekels just yet, clever thinking means money’s on its way.
You’ve never brimmed with this much energy in quite this way before. Your heart, pride, and sense of purpose are amassing like an emotional army. It’s time to make bold decisions. It is time to stand up and be counted. And it’s time to recognise that in doing these things you will never be the same again – but that you will be You. In all this panic and aggression and knee-jerking, keep two things close to mind (1) something that calms you and (2) something that makes you laugh like a giddy child. Every rite of passage should have a breather. Full Moon Kaboom: An ending of sorts seems imperative as you push through to the bigger, bolder you that’s busting out of the chrysalis. It’s feeling uncomfortable but that’s just your wings pushing through.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
5 days ago