New Moons are times for refocusing in perticaler areas. Rather than the cosmos screaming in your earhole or a pulling a rug from under you, New Moons tend to be gentle nudges as if something soft and unassuming wants your attention but doesn’t want to cause too much trouble or impose itself too much. If you want to make a New Start and go for a Refocus your area of opportunity follows. For all of us Wednesday’s Piscean New Moon gives the world a chance to get a little groovier. If you do nothing else, a gentle unassuming wish for a bit more peace and patience would be much appreciated. Thankyew.
If you’re feeling a tad ropey during the next 24 – 48 hours then just be gentle on yourself and eat an extra floret of broccoli on the hour every hour. The Dark of the Moon is falling in your deep, dank 12th house meaning your emotions and chutzpah could feel like they’re running on empty. Not a barrel of laughs, no Ram, but of all the star signs you’re the one least likely to delegate; perhaps any weariness in the next couple of days will nudge you to redress that stubborn streak. Across town and a joyous Mercury/Jupiter pas de deux is happy haps in your 11th house of friends and wishes sparking a week of uplifting news. Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday wear tassels and organise street parties. The thing that’s been bothering you wasn’t worth the sleepless nights after all.
That background dragging feeling has a few more months before it’s all played out. Imagine it’s a cellist in a distant room whose melancholy refrains will grab your attention from time to time - if you don’t like cello then a ticking clock or a train or lawnmower, or for the sadomasochist a dentist’s drill - then continue making progress where you can. And there’s progress to be made for sure Bully Bull. A pretty Mercury/Jupiter Charleston lands in your 10th house of success – circle Tuesday and Sunday/Monday for being in the right place at the right time to shine at the boardroom table. Career news Thursday may not thrill you as much as it could but don’t ignore the opportunity, just watch and wait for you and it to ripen. Across town and other boons land from Wednesday as the New Moon brings a fortnight of friend-based contact and social whirling. There are new friends in your midst so lift your head up and wink your lashes or wander over to their fence and ask to share the view.
Wednesday’s Fishy New Moon spells a re-launch in your career aspirations. It may land as a thought that gradually gathers arms and legs strong enough to shove you into doing something – or it may land as an opportunity, promotion, or job opening that makes you thunk. It’s an annual boon, this career focus, so generally it’s a re-evaluation rather than a drama. The difference this year is it follows an Eclipse, upping the Power. The current planetary discotheque above us heads suggests that Geminis are yearning for foreign shores, mind-expansion, study, some sort of publishing/ broadcasting coup, or are pursuing a legal agenda. Airy friends with career aspirations in these areas have the wind beneath their gossamers. Circle Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday/Monday in your mental diary for signs of forwards ho! And if you’re a gambler, Tuesday stars look lucky this week.
The few days before all New Moons see your energy and organisation skills dip into special measures. So if you’re feeling a little below par reading this just take it easy for a day or two. The beneficent energy from Wednesday’s Fishy New Moon will start bubbling up from Thursday giving vent to your bursting urges viz foreign shores, publishing, study, and legal whatnot. Even your on-going hmm and errrs about wonga get a shot to the arm this week thanks to the Jupiter/Mercury foxtrot. Watch Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday/Monday for opportunities to make changes. Finances, sex, and success are in the frame, Crabsticks, but not automatically intertwined. There are more ways to get on top than the casting couch, as they say, but who is ‘Babble to judge?
Are you giving in yet, Pussy Cat? Has the ear rubbing brought you to your knees? With a stack of shooting stars lighting up your 7th house of long-term squeezes, and a New Moon landing Wednesday in your house of kink and letting go, there’s every chance that regal cats are having the time of their love / oobah lives. (Oh gosh and you have 9!) For Cats not currently over-awed with their present beau the planets are bringing a shake up so you get things more to your liking. Mars in the 7th brings egos and arguments to the table rather than hot passion. The New Moon in the 8th may well usher in a letting go of Them rather than the delirious letting go in a lover’s arms. Whichever way your love life is falling, Cats should take heart. The long-term picture looks peachy. The skies this week are signalling the right steps for you to take – like the paving stones lighting up for Mickey J in the Billie Jean video. Watch Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday/Monday to make your next moves.
With so much going on in your zone of health and work your love life may have taken a back seat on a bus that left the station hours ago. Wednesday’s Fishy New Moon will give you a nudge reminding you what time it is and the importance of Making An Effort where partners are concerned. Single Virgos will suddenly remember that they’re single. Coupled up Virgos will suddenly remember that they haven’t squeezed their honey’s knee in a blue moon. You’re a workaholic, we know it and we love you for it, but here’s an annual two-week window to clock off on time and let a little love into your life. Okay – now the bit you’ve been really waiting for – work news. A fiesty Jupiter/Mercury tango is kicking up a passionate storm in your office and medicine cabinet. Circle Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday/Monday for chances to make progress in either area. Where the future is concerned you may need to let go of one vision before you move onto a new one. Out with the old. In with the shiny.
Not that you would ever need an added deliberation, but here comes one anyroad up. There seems to be a juggling act in your heart, Airy one. A gathering of cosmic bodies in your fifth house of squeezes is rather nudging you out into the open playing field of delights. On the other hand (every Libran’s favourite expression), Venus, your ruler, is stalling in the sky above your head and will be moving backwards in your house of long-term lovers. Something new for the weekend? Or something tried and tested for the long haul? Waitttaminute! Surely the new can be for the longhaul – surely sometimes the past can remain in the past. What’s clear is that the new opportunities are sending you skittish and the subsequent mud-stirring means the past and the present can’t quite be separated. It’s a theme that’s set to continue into April. With New Starts in your 6th house of work and health from Wednesday, time spent at the gym or pursuing work causes should help ground you.
Wednesday’s New Moon in your 5th house means Scorpios making concerted efforts where squeezes, chilun, and creative ting are concerned have a two week cosmic gulf stream to warm their way. Make a wish for progress in these areas, and crack on. Meanwhile your 4th house of home and family has some cosmic gold dust landing too. Tuesday and Sunday chitty chats about expanding the family/Scorpio Towers look hot and happening. Should Astrobabble be knitting a bonnet or buying a paintbrush? Mid-week news regarding home and family impacts on work and well-being. A New Approach to your office and medicine cabinet is required. Set time aside from calls to the Stork and potato painting to get your ducks in a row.
As the energy continues to bubble over like champagne in your 3rd house of siblings, communications, and out of town trips these tree ting are still high on your list of priorities. This week, however, communications are likely to switch to extra creative areas – such as discussions about mekkin bebes, getting creative ventures off the ground, or chatting up a new honey at the archery range. Venus in this fun zone hooks up with Mercury on Thursday so state your intentions then. What transpires following the tĂȘte may be a circuitous route to hitting the target, but it will come good and your positive Sadge vibes will see you through. Before then Wednesday’s New Moon brings a new start to home and family. Shelves going up, house-hunting, or visits to see Mas and Pas have a cosmic glow for the coming two weeks.
Wednesday’s New Moon in your 3rd house suggests that Goats’ attentions in the coming fortnight will be drawn to one or more of the following – bros and sisses, out of town jaunts, and communication. A merry bag indeed. The Sun and Uranus are already here so expect (a) shiny times and (b) possible surprises/last minute changes to plans. The on-going news, as you jaunt and chat and sibling bunfight, is oof. The pressure to earn, spend, and sort out the best investments may be keeping you up at night, so frenetic is the energy. Tuesday and Sunday/Monday are your peak times for signing the deal – and lettuce regarding property and family matters hits the agenda on Thursday.
This may be a week for the Aquarius history books. Right now Jupiter, the sky’s favourite cheery party animal, is in your sign (a visit that lasts another 12 months). Add to this cocktail Mercury, planet of de chitty chat, and Mars, planet of raaaah, and you’ll see that you’re a walking powerhouse of cheer and energy, no mistaking. This week Mercury catches up with Jupiter, then Venus, and then Mars. If you’ve needed to puff your chest out and really believe you can go for what you want now is the time – circle Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday/Monday for powpows with punch. Furthermore with the Fishy New Moon giving you a focus on money from Wednesday, puffing your chest out and going for gold, lettuce, oof should be on the Aquarius list of mountains to conquer.
Fishes feeling under the weather over the next couple of days will feel the slip stream scoop them up from Wednesday as your annual New Moon comes get you in the shallows. Things that have been worrying you continue to do so (meep!) but there are breakthroughs coming this week on your perception of worry. Like a very relaxed thing, say a leaf on a still pond, Mercury’s hook up to Jupiter, Venus, and then Mars brings you a sense of taking life as it comes, a philosophical sigh that this too will pass. Watch the gentle pep up Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Money matters will need to come under review, you’re right, and the work begins next week.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
4 days ago