As the Sun and Mercury both change signs your ‘scopes this week look at what’s lighting up in your life right now and what’s setting your mind whirring. Plus already building, and culminating midweek, there’s a tête between Mars, Venus, and Jupiter – heat, prettiness, and the wow factor. See your own Poysonal Catherine Wheel, below. Furthermore 30Rock is back on terrestrial TV. Astrobabble can hardly contain her popcorn.
For you it seems the energy is pulling in two different directions. This time of year your natural ‘Chaaarge!’ energy is softened a little and you may need a few earlier nights than you’d like. Contrarily, friends can’t get enough of you. There’s chitty chat and social gatherings aplenty. Perhaps adopt a one-night-on-one-night-off approach until further notice (about a month from now). The weekend brings a key turning point in your life. Be present, even if you have to have a power nap halfway through. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: At last, a wish that you’ve held fast to comes good. It’s going to change you – but deep down the whole purpose for the wish was to find a way for you to change without actually having to admit it to yourself. In fact, part of the change may well put you in a safe enough place so that you can admit to yourself that you needed to admit to yourself that you needed to change. Hullo, are you still following, caller..?
The Sun comes glittering into your 11th house of friends and wishes. For the next month it’s time to swirl around your networks and at social bunfights gathering good cheer and gentle sweetness as you do. And gentle sweetness is key; these are delicate times. Your career ladder seems to be developing new arms and options, urging you out, out, OUT into the big wide paddock of opportunity. Yet Venus, your tousle-haired ruler, is drawing your natural energy inwards, bringing reflective times and questioning the healthiness of your chosen hierarchy vis love, money, and career. The progress will be golden when it lands but for now try to accept there will be little outward progress for love and money affairs. Be gentle and sweet on yourself, and spend time with gentle and sweet, heart-warming friends (who can cook and make fabulous cocktails). Watch the weekend for news and progress vis foreign plans and friends. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Lights going on remind you of your strength of character and your right to have your needs met too - whether in the boardroom or the bedroom. Wink.
The spotlight now falls on you at the boardroom table and it’s time to rise and shine, airy friend. Chest out make it count. Particularly Friday and into the weekend there seems a real opportunity to let go of old career vices and push yourself towards a more lucrative mountain top. At the same time, your buzzy ruler Mercury lands in your 9th house of travel, study, broadcasting, publishing, broadening horizons, and life expansion. An idea that was around back in January reappears and now it’s time to make good on it. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Dreams and wishes for these 9th house concerns seem to be falling into place as if by magic. Friends may be part of the picture.
The Sun steps into your 9th house of travel, study, publishing, broadcasting, and life expansion bringing energy into these areas in your reef. As he does, he hooks up with Pluto in your 7th house of one-to-onesies and it seems that whatever journey you’re about to embark upon - whether that’s literally heading off on holiday, or joining a religious group, or signing up to study lunar or breast-related interests, partnering up maybe part of the picture… Pluto's roll through your house of partners is to lead you to Your Truth via partnership (and the intimate ‘mirror’ that one-to-onesies offer us all). Resist if you like but it’s a 15 year stay so better to take your coat off. What happens at the end of this week and into the weekend strikes a match in the dark. The Truth is Out There. There's your first glimpse of it. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: A freelance opportunity or chance to gain a lucrative commission or bonus arises. Dress like a spiffy crab and go get ‘em, Crunchy.
Chats with close one-to-one squeezes are where your mercurial energy’s at, my liege. There are three weeks of talky talky starred so make sure you’ve lozengers and a glass of water to hand. Before you run roaring, please could I add here that some of the chitty chat is set to cover such interesting topics as oof, kink, and er, wills/mortgages/consolidating debts. Yes! The Sun has moved into your zone of sex, death, and taxes and with your attention focused here it is likely that issues arising will need to be chewed over with the current beau at the waterhole of an evening. Emotional commitments lead to all sorts of sharing and joint approaches to whatnot. And your current whatnots for chitty chat are diverse if not profound. Honey and lemon, or blackcurrant and eucalyptus, your hairiness? Still or sparkling? My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Close relationships and broadening horizons are flaring. Overseas business deals are well starred as are honeymoon bookings and proposals.
Work, health, and love, Virgo; the lights are going from red to green. Mercury, your winged ruler, flutters into your 6th house of work and now at last you can take the helm of good ship Virgo rather than feeling like you’re doing everyone else’s bidding in the office, shiver me timbers. The 6th house governs medicine cabinets too so Virgos needing a second opinion or another look at an old health tick have the stars on their side in the coming three weeks. Across town: and on a romantic tip the Sun is now shining brightly in your 7th house of close one-to-onesies. Long-lasting relationships get a blast of fun (for some that may include conversations about booking the stork) and new Virgo squeezes have el futuro written across them, though you’ll sense it may be a circuitous route. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: A chance to turn the day job into a freelance earner or an opportunity to take on lucrative commissions is in the offing.
As the Sun brings his sunny visage to your zone of work and health he links almost immediately with Pluto, the planet of Power. Old patterns, inherited family conditions (both health and emotional), and current responsibilities for your own family and home are due an overhaul. With your ascendancy rising in the office, it may be time to start using that influence to seek working patterns, hours, and contracts that bring a healthier balance between office hours and downtime, health needs and time out. And Librans aware of a family history of perticaler health issues can take preventative health steps now. Across town: and Mercury’s arrival in your 5th house of chilun, squeezes, and creative tingaling means you're ready to chat about ideas, approaches, and things pertaining to the above some of which have been stewing since January. Love stuff! Ooh. What a perfect reason to insist on more time away from the office. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: A pretty lovely has your heart on a string and you’re feeling on fire. It’s likely to be one step forwards two steps back between now and the end of April so in spite of the urges, turn the gas down low.
Love, chilun, and creative ting are where it’s at for you, Scorpio. The Sun is beaming here for the coming four weeks and where you’ve needed a little astral support to push forwards – either chatting up the lovely, chatting up the existing honey to share their gene pool, or chatting up the gallery owner, now comes the confidence to seek out the things you want. Circle Friday and all through the weekend to broach the subject. Also this week, Mercury’s arrival in your 4th house of home and family means that over the coming three weeks you can expect more chats with family and more thunks about moving and improving your mudhut. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: You’re linking work and home/family issues with your health and well-being and chances to make steps forwards are here – whether that’s joining the family business or moving the business back home. Scorpios aware of a family history of perticaler health issues can take preventative health steps now.
These are gorgeous times, Archer, with the planets lighting up home, family and children for you. The Sun’s arrival in your 4th house of Home and Family for a month means you can expect more goings on with in-laws and your own clan. Likewise Mercury, the chitty chatty planet, has also just docked in your 3rd house of bros and sisses so bunfights and general fun with siblings is likely to increase too. (Family get togethers should be easy to arrange under these skies.) Out of town trips are starred in the coming weeks – as are chances to splash out on a new motor. But with Pluto making you power-hungry make sure you’re buying what you need rather than a, ahem, ego extension. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Chats about children (either yours or your bros and sisses) are gladdening your heart. Likewise Archers pursuing a creative itch are getting ready to talk it up.
Goats are not naturally loquacious creatures but right now you are the silver-tongued geniuses of the Zodiac. Not only has the Sun skidaddled into your communications zone but at week’s end he hooks up with Pluto, planet of Power and Truth, in your first house of You, Yourself and You. If you’ve needed to present yourself for favours and boons, circle Friday and go Go GOAT! Trips out of town are starred too in the coming weeks as are good times with bros and sisses. Across town: and the recent emphasis on your lettuce gets cranked further as Mercury, the bizniz planet, docks in your bank vaults. Lucrative deals, jobs that pay more, and salary increases are in the stars. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Money coming in seems to be going out again on Goat Towers. Decorating may be Your Thing when you’ve clocked off from the 9 – 5 and Goats hoping to make money from property now are, er, right on the money.
You’ve energy unrivalled at the moment and now airy, ideas-laden, buzzy buzzy Mercury has just returned to your first house of You, Yourself, and You meaning plans that have been percolating since January can be pushed forwards. What’s more, the Sun has hoofed into your second house of lucre and his focus here naturally helps you up your game when it comes to going for the raise, demanding a higher daily rate, and shopping around for new jobs that pay you more. What you may need to be wary of is the Pluto-in-the-cupboard-under-the-stairs factor. You’re rather motivated by paranoia at the moment, seeing everything as a potential affront, finding yourself constantly shifting from the front foot to the back foot, veering from attack to defence. Money (including shared possessions and getting what you deserve) is your current battle ground of choice. Don’t bully. Don’t manipulate. Don’t ask for more than your share. Oh, and don’t back down either. My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: The gift of the gab is yorn so speak with the voice from the burning bush.
Your wash is a strange place to be in the coming weeks Fish. Like being in a cold swimming pool when you happen upon a worrying warm patch, the elements don’t quite stack up. The Sun is shining his balmy presence in your first house of You, Yourself, and You making you feel confident and cool. Simultaneously though, Mercury has shooftied into your 12th house of, “Come on Scooby Doo, where are you?” making you a leetle concerned, a leetle paranoid, rather convinced that others are gossiping behind your back/out to get you and you no likey. Do you think they think you’re shining too much? And if so, who’s ploblem is that, Fish? What you can be sure of is that friends who really are friends will show their mettle this week, so at the weekend party over tucker. Scooby snacks are go! My Own Poysonal Catherine Wheel: Your paranoia seems to concern money and shared things. Is someone taking more than they’re giving? And zoinks! Are you brave enough to broach the topic?
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Cubo
3 days ago