While it’s not exactly the champagne truffles tray at Fortnum & Mason’s, April’s outlook is far far sweeter than March’s (wasn’t it a shocker?). Energy returns for most and while it’s a bit stop-starty (Saturn slides back into Virgo, and both Pluto and Mercury go retro) there’s a sense of Going Over Old Ground to lay firmer foundations for a Better Future. BIG changes are coming from May through to July thanks to wappy Uranus hoofing into Aries after seven years in Pisces, plus the eclipses. (Those bleepers’ll have you if you’re not nailed down.) Motto of the month: Get your ducks in a row, your ordnance survey map the right way up, and prepare to make tracks to that shiny horizon you’ve been a-hankering for…
And so, friends, I must do likewise. THANK YOU for all your well-wishing emails. You’re lovely you are. Here’s A Big Stroke of Luck to you too. There will be other Tatty blogs acomin if you want to stay tuned, not astro-flavoured, more wanderlust and adventure. News of them will be posted here at the beginning of May.
As is my monthly wont, I’ve picked a pretty toon. This one is for the seekers in us all, vagabond spirits, soul mates, adventurers! Hope your onward journey is a delight, peeps, filled with happy times. This is your middle-class gypsy signing off for now,
Port out!
Ahoy, it’s the delightfully dippy POSH from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzEWodlTFq0
Liberty, Ram, not as in ‘you’re taking a liberty my son!’ but as in fighting for your freedom, and we’re talking from the day job and from work stresses. The New Moon of the 14th is yours, your only one this year, so by the 16th it’s crucial that you begin to make the adjustments necessary to cut yourself lose. Adventures, the like of which you’ve never experienced, are heading your way from next month. Expect to make a push around the 26th April that hurts (severing job ties, or paying for the stress with health problems) and then making some sort of financial ‘sacrifice’ around the Full Moon of the 28th. Paying off debts, perticalerly home-related ones, is starred. All month money is in the frame and yes you should be quids in. However as Mercury retrogrades in your finances in-tray on the 18th delays in cheques arriving and mix ups at the bank are likely. Sign nothing from 16th – 19th April and check everything’s where it should be after May 12th. Watch your temper: 3rd and 5th. Love gets prettier: in May.
Two out of three aint bad, Bull, and by that I mean Venus is with you already and Mercury will be with you come Saturday… The Sun will be along a little later (the 21st). From NOW it’s time to ask questions, seek answers, Be Direct on love and money issues that have been ignored. The Sun’s absence suggests that what’s missing is a sense of peace at home (watch the 3rd and 5th for tense moments). Getting away could be just the ticket and holeedays taken after the 7th should give you time to reflect. The stoppy-starty thing mentioned at the top of the show affects you directly. Negotiations vz money, lovers, chilun, and creative ting are cosmically scheduled for you 18 April – 12 May. Changes are needed so you have the space and time to address work or health (stress) related issues – and are free to embrace the forthcoming summer bonanzas. Your at-a-glance April timetable: Energy dips around the 12th. Lie down. Begin negotiations after the 15th. Energy surges after 21st. Work/health clashes with your Dreams Big Time: 26th (why do you keep getting caught out like that?) Full Moon at month’s end is an emotional peak with one-to-onesies: 28th. Love is good: potentially all month.
April 2010 may not go down as your favourite month on record, but it is a month in which some inner adventures and wandering will pay dividends later. What’s ado for you is the tip toeing of Venus and then your stupendous ruler, Mercury, into your 12th house of Meep! Single Geminis are on retreat and camping out behind a forced smile. After the 18th your ruler heads backwards ho into the shadows of your fabalas head, and all Geminis get tongue-tied. It’s time to review how you speak – and when you speak where you speak from (and I don’t mean the larynx). Mars is telling you to PUSH harder verbally, watch the 3rd and the 5th… but this is fear. Mm,hmm, tis. Yes it is. Yes it is. If you’re still carrying a critical parent on your shoulder, maybe it’s time to tell them to get off. Eureka moment due: 12 May. Before then, your annual wishing moon lands: 14 April. Homelife/mortgages need attention: 26th. Work or health issues can’t wait: 28th. Lovelife outlook: unrequited?
The summer eclipses are yours, Crab and being an intuitive creature you’ll already be sensing where you want to head to next. What’s imminent (in May) is a feeling that the foreign/studious/philosophical fairground ride you’ve been negotiating for the past seven years is really going to take you somewhere exciting and worthwhile, if unexpected. Uranus in your success zone urges you to be open to deviating off the beaten track. Stout boots and a hip flask, what? I’m telling you this now because preparation is Key. The bulk of April is about your friends, reconnecting with those you’ve waylaid, recognising your confidence grow thanks to the love and goodwill and support of your family of friends. Friends could become lovers under these stars too (watch the electricity around the 28th of the month), just be sure it’s a match based on equality. What you will need to watch is tension rising around the 26th. Lovers and your big shiny future may require a balancing act. Love this month: within the familiar.
Mars’s on-going roar through your 1st house of you is giving you pace and drive, bebe. Go easy on colleagues who seem to blunder into your path on the 3rd and the 5th; maybe they’re being obstreperous simply because you’ve been too pushy of late? For you April is about (a) foreign dreams and life expansion and (b) Career and Success. A holiday in a desert planning a camel-training school followed by souvenir gifts to keep the minions on side would be top choice, what? The one literal Fly in this martini, is Mercury’s uiiee from 18 April until 12 May. This can be as breezy and opportunistic as an old job offer returning – or as irritating as having to re-write the annual report. Either way, see it as feathering your nest for the future and address it with a smile. Finally for now, money issues rear up on 26 April. Big bills surprise you. The Full Moon two days later is in your home and family zone. Time to postpone the plunge pool/cut the kids’ allowance? Lovelife in April: Not clear cut.
A month with a foreign, retro flavour that goes out with a parting salvo… Job number one this month is to tie up finances. In fact, stop reading this and hop to it NOW! The Sun is bringing insight and purpose and Saturn is giving you staying power until the 8th to get cashola ting sorted. After that, the urge to spend rises. Across town, and your focus is diverted by foreign/studious/philosophical pursuits. Venus and your ruler Mercury are in the ‘big-mind-expanding’ 9th house already – the Sun will join them from the 21st too. With all this fabalas energy gathering, Mercury picks this moment to head backwards, as he does from the 18th… A foreign/studious/philosophical pursuit from the past returns, or a foreign/ studious/philosophical idea needs a re-think. Either way, if you take the time to be diligent now, it’ll pave the way for creative success and expansion. Partners may unexpectedly refuse to join you by the poolside (26th) and there may be sore words/travel hiccups around (28th), but make your creative wishes your Number One priority and pursue them with gusto now. The next four months promise take off for the brave-hearted. April Lovelife: Unexpected objections may off-set unexpected delights. Uranius-tastic, as per.
There’s a niggling feeling that you haven’t quite grown into your new skin yet, that the work/day-to-day pressures you took on in a moment of confident madness are too great. Firstly, yes, the pressures are great. Secondly, you’re doing better than you think. Jupiter sez you can do it, and he’s a cheery cheerleader who’s taking on some of the burden – so you can! Across town energy’s gathering in your 8th house of transformation, letting go, and Big Money. The tax year endeth and it’s time to balance the books. More than that, it’s a time to go carefully out into the world with your credit cards. Money meltdowns are possible now (watch 3rd and 5th and 28th). For coupled up Librans, this 8th house emphasis says (a) love good: you’ll be feeling the intimacy, and feeling more like sharing your inner vulnerable side or (b) love not so good: you’re in negotiations to transform/end a current liaison. Negotiations will be protracted. Take time out now and again. This has to continue until at least 12 May. On the 26th fear/exhaustion bring work issues to a crescendo. With a money crunch likely on the 28th take a financial audit before jumping ship. Love this month: good and getting deeper or O-V-E-R.
While the sun’s bringing vitality to health and your work-a-day world, Venus and Mercury are bringing issues of partnership, love, and equality to your other waking moments. Mercury’s uuiiee here from the 18th suggests that there are still some stones unturned where a close one-to-onesie is concerned and your place at their side (and theirs at yours) will become something of a Fixation after the 21st. Ask questions, spill the beans, but expect the conversation to continue unfolding until at least 12 May. Venus suggests it’s a loving one-to-onesie. For some Scorps, money negotiations will be the soup du jour, and as there’s a New Moon in your 6th house of work on the 14th, if it’s about money honey, begin talky talky after then. By the last week of the month, take some time out for You. The Saturn/Uranus spat brings up unexpected difficulties around homelife or vz creative ting/lovers/and chilun. You’re heading into your annual Scorpio Full Moon so will be Feeling the Emotional Ripples harder. Love for April: potentially ridiculously beauteous.
There’s joy in abundance with chilun, lovers, and creativity for the first three weeks of the month. Be sure to let these delights in your life flourish, especially around the New Moon of the 14th. Simultaneously Venus and Mercury are lighting up your 6th house of work and health. These are generally omens of news, glad tidings, and even enjoying the 9 – 5, and they are, just watch for responsibilities at the office clashing with your holiday plans around the 3rd & 5th. Mercury retrogrades here from 18 April – 12 May and old work projects may need unpacking and re-doing. On a happier tip, old job offers may pop up again. Time to reconsider? For some Archers, old health niggles can resurface around now too. If you’re heading for a medical check up DON’T schedule 16 – 19 April or 10 - 14 May. Choose before or after these dates. What’s important to remember is that all news won’t be in until after the 12 May. The month ends on a note of transformation. On the 26th, two days before your 12th house Full Moon MEEP!, surprising conversations about money and/or homelife are starred. Forewarned is forearmed. Prepare now where you know you need to! Lovelife now: light and fluffy, but future-oriented...
The summer eclipses are heading your way, Goat, with irrevocable changes to You, those you keep close, and your homelife. There’s a Gateway you need to pass through to reach those shiny, distant places and now is the time to Prepare. In the coming weeks Venus and Mercury are gracing your 5th house of lovers, chilun, and creative expression. Mercury’s uiie here from 18 April – 12 May suggests to this ‘ere astrologer that part of your preparation work is negotiating the way you ‘relate’ to lovers, chilun, and yourself so that the summer changes go well. Understanding your motivations and needs, and irritating habits, accepting these things so that you become less grouchy and so much easier to rub along with is your soup d’Avril, Goat. By the 26th when your future plans get upended by an offer, you need to be At One with beauty and purpose. Money can only ever be a fraction of the whole, friend. Lovelife in April: The time is now! Love right now! Share, speak, care right now!
Home-fires and family reunions is where it’s at, Airy. Venus says being at home is where you Most Want to Be, decorating, spending, idling. Mercury here suggests that any socialising will be done at Airy Inventive Towers rather than out on the town. Lovers may have something to say about this. Watch potential cross words around the 3rd and 5th. Mercury’s uiiee from 18 April – 12 May augurs in some re-negotiating vz home/ family finances and getting any wonga creases ironed out. Sign nada close to these two dates, especially any Aquariuses buying or renting a new mudhut, and be prepared to wait until after 12 May for any new plans/contracts to get the all clear. On a happier note, Mercury’s uiee suggests old family members will be back in touch and coming to stay. Venus and the Sun imply you’ll be happy about this. Phew. The Big Cosmic 'Biggy' lands like a meteor at month’s end, on the 26th. Saturn and Uranus oppose one another and revolution is in the air. It’s the same configuration as when fellow Aquarian Barak Obama won the election. It’s time to stand up and be counted, to make a difference to your home patch and the world. Loving feeling this month: warm but growing irascible later.
Enormous changes continue, Fish, and like a spoke in a wheel you’ll feel yourself riding along with them. Soon those changes will involve money – both your daily crust as well as credit cards, mortgages, and savings. From next month the emphasis will shift to safety and the long-view to off-set uncertainty in the short-term. Start your plans from the New Moon of 14th April. Ah, yes, back to April and there’s contact with bros and sisses, there are jaunts out of town, and good times with a Community Spirit. The one spanner in the works is Mercury who retrogrades in this zone on the 18th. Travel plans around that date are likely to go awry; expect delays and flat tyres especially on 16th – 17th – and be sure to back up all computers etc and whatnot. He’s up to his old tricks slap bang in the middle of your zone of communications. Calls get missed, letters go astray yadaada, yadaada. Business Fish plan big mail shots after 12 May! Finally the month ends with two cosmic crescendos. On the 26th partners pull unexpected stunts or friends’ actions unnerve you. With a Full Moon landing two days later, you may feel like running for a sunny coast to get away from it all. Love this month: responsible, possibly burdensome at times.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
6 days ago