The start of the week may feel like waiting for a bus which turns out to be a taxi, a hovercraft, or Shanks’s pony… Hmm. Uranus is running the world’s diary, at the same time as Mercury is doing a backwards ho, and everyone’s inner flippertygibbet is doing an outie. Fortunately, Uranus’s Maverick Thang peaks mid-week – and then we notice we’re in the Dark of the New Moon solar eclipse. Friday’s Solar Eclipse in Capricorn signals a time for New Starts - and is the upside to the Full Moon Eclipse of New Year’s eve. (Anyone need to recap on their resolutions…?!) Make your wishes Friday but take no action until Monday. (Firstly the Moon’s void of course all day Friday and you’ll be operating form inside a marshmallow, plus pixie Mercury is stationing direct, turning to forwards ho, also in Capricorn, on Saturday.) Then Sunday, Venus and Jupiter change signs altering the terrain further. And only then, after three weeks of hoopla it's, 'Flight attendants, please take your seats for landing.’
Where Uranus is turning you over is in your blind spot. He’s spent the last seven years camped out in your 12th house of Meep! Throwing paper planes behind your eyes and random shadows on the wall. In the coming weeks he’s heading on up to your first house of You, Yourself, and You. Focus hard on Tuesday and Wednesday; when things go awry take note of your responses. How do you handle about turns that are outwith your control? If you can watch yourself from a detached point of view and learn the lessons, when the boot’s on the other foot, you’ll understand the Uranian Wisdom of Going With The Flow much better. Friday’s New Moon Eclipse sez it’s time to relaunch your career. Power knap all day Friday then make that launch on the 18th.
Having Uranus, the planet of surprise, mekkin nice with your ruler Venus suggests that you’ve unexpected boosts in store Tuesday and Wednesday. This is money and/or success, Bully Bull – whatever success means to you – Love, Career, Social Standing... Uranus is traversing your 11th house of friends and wishes meaning that boosts and successes come from friends or social netwhoring circles, and concern projects that are especially dear to your heart. New friends landing now are fun-loving and different to your usual crowd, even exotic. Mercury’s on-going uiiee in your 9th zone of study, travel, and future plans mean things remain up in the air this week and conversations are needed to clarify certain points. Come Friday’s Solar Eclipse new ambitions with a foreign, study, or long-haul flavour are due. Go get ‘em Tiger - but wait until Monday.
Money, Love, and Success are writ large this week, Airy Friend. Uranus, currently spinning erratically in your zone of Success, clicks with the Sun and Venus. For freshly-smitten Geminis New Love is lighting up your life and placing twinkly stars in the dark, forgotten corners of your heart. For Geminis signing off on a partnership, the end goes surprisingly well. For Geminis chasing the yankee dollar, Uranus is helping you tawk it up to financiers so you clinch the collateral. For all Geminis, Success right now is all about the money. Even Friday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse suggests a new approach to Big Money is due. Remember your ruler is hoofing backwards until Saturday. Things suggested now will need to be revisited inside of a fortnight. Check for small print caveats and typos.
For you, Crab, Uranus’s long seven year journey through your 9th house has had you changing life course and contemplating emigration, retraining, or retreating to a Monastery. It can be exhausting at times but sometimes, like now, your modus of constantly opening doors and peering down corridors brings an aha moment that is life-changing. Uranus meets up with Venus and the Sun this week and new friendships, an awareness of life-affirming romances, and financial opportunities land. Single Crabs can meet soul mates under these stars, most likely someone from a different background or culture. Taken Crabs could be mekkin proposals. Mercury’s Uiiee means the path of true love’s communication may not run smoothly, especially around Thursday and Friday. Don’t give up. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in this Zone means yes, love really is this powerful. Have confidence. Try a re-try on Monday.
A wired week, your Fabulousness. Tuesday and Wednesday, Uranus, aka Planet Gaga is having tea and buns with the Sun and Venus, she of floaty gowns and purses. Work and money are hooking up, delightfully and surprisingly so. In fact if there are no surprises landing at your feet, have a gander at the Job ads. Word. Solar Eclipses affect you, my Liege, as you are the Cosmic Pussy Cat ruled by the Sun. Friday’s Solar Eclipse docks in your 6th house of work; one door needs to close for another to open in your workaday world - and the New Door will reveal the Sun behind it. Remember Mercury is heading backwards in this zone all working week. Check details and be aware that your exciting job offers may come from previous employers – or be old opportunities from current employers that are back on the table.
One more week of the to-ey fro-ey hedge-ey bet-sey and Mercury, your esteemed but irritating ruler, heads forwards. Before then what’s mighty fine are the stirrings in your creativity and flirtation drawer. It seems that close one-to-onesies are providing something of a carrot tempting you to let your hair down – either you want to attract a new one so you’re shaking things up in the lipstick and slingbacks department, or you want to revive an existing liaison and are trying out a new box of tricks to entertain and be entertained. (Or have bebes!) Soupy Twist, Virgo. The Cosmos is sayin’ shake it up! Be spontaneous! Enjoy the Freedom you actually have and recognise the Power you have to make changes! Friday’s Solar Eclipse sez the leaf you’re turning over now can bring you more love, creativity, and fun than you ever believed possible. Ohgollymeohmy.
Uranus’s seven year zig zag through your 6th house of health and work may have given you a schizophrenic approach to the 9 – 5 (and your medicine cabinet) but Uranus’s role is to shake us up. Sometimes it’s unpleasant surprises, but at times like this, as he hooks up nicely with the Sun and your ruler, Venus, surprises can be v v nice indeedy. Somewhere in your wash, a wish is coming true. Positive changes vz your mudhut are starred – but with Uranus, it’s hard to say exactly what… Maybe a job has brought you enough to buy the house you’ve been after. Maybe a job change is forcing a move – but to somewhere fabalas. Maybe the chance you’ve been after to work or consult from home is finally yours for the taking. Tuesday – Wednesday, soak it up. There’ll be more negotiating to do later in the week, but Friday’s Solar Eclipse says the New Home Manoeuvres are right as right can be.
For the past seven years, Uranus’s crayzee scoot through your 5th house of creative ting, breeding, and lovers has been something of a wappy fairground ride. Lovers have been erratic oddballs. Affairs have come and gone before you knew what hit you. Plans with or for children have stopped and started and caught you off guard. And the pursuance of your creative muse has sometimes upset the family. On the upside, Uranus here has helped you harness the random, the lucky streak, the moment! This week on Tuesday and Wednesday both the Sun and Venus hook up with the King of the About-Turn. Lovers who didn’t want babies now do! Lovers who couldn’t commit now can! Super creative ventures that never flew now fly! No, not everything is cured by Uranus, but certain things are about to turn on a sixpence. The eclipse and Mercury say the key is Talking - and that other important part of the process, Asking the Questions that matter.
Archers who wondered if they’d ever sell the mudhut are due an about turn this week. Uranus has brought change enough in the past seven years to your four walls, people moving in, people moving out, house prices crashing, mortgage arrears. This week may not extinguish all the anguish you’ve had, but there’s a lucky window acomin’ and money’s in the frame. Tuesday and Wednesday your Four Walls are a source of income, whether that’s renting or selling (or you’re getting into interior design professionally), or a loan from the bank of Ma and Pa. Mercury’s uiiee says you need to check the spondoolies and contracts – and delay signing until Monday where you can. However, Friday’s Solar Eclipse lights up this financial part of your sky too. Balancing your financial picture is your raison d’etre for the foreseeable – and how and where you live (and with who) are The Places to start.
Conversations are likely to have a certain frisson and a degree of bolt-from-the-blue this week, Goat. Tuesday and Wednesday the Sun and Venus (currently drifting together through your first house of You, Yourself, and You) have a ‘moment’ with King of the Wild Idea, Uranus – smackdab in the middle of your voicebox. Word. Surprising announcements – either from your lips or the lips of another - concern the following: squeezes, squeezing, chilun, and potato-painting. Reassuringly, Uranus is in good spirits so the announcements are well-liked. Muster the courage to get Those Things off your chest that need Airing. Likewise, listen with astonished but willing ears to the abandoned verbals of another. The Dark of the Moon will likely rattle you prior to the Solar Eclipse in your first house. If in doubt, ask for a time out to let things percolate. By Monday the New Moon will be waxing and Mercury will be on side too.
For you Money is where the surprise is at – but in a good way. Uranus, your wappy ruler, is a hard monkey to pin down. He’s been hopping around creating change in your bank vaults for seven years now and going-with-the-flow and being adaptable with your spending power has been your modus, Inventive One. Tuesday and Wednesday he makes nice with Venus and the Sun. Important one-to-onesies are coming on side, just when you need a financial leg up. Whether it’s home-buying, art-investing, studying or travel there’s help around and financial luck. The only watchword, if there is one, is watch out for doubt. Yes, you ABSOLUTELY MUST check the small print – Mercury’s retrograde and at his most sabotaging on Friday. However, the fear you’re feeling is you getting ready to jump. With bucket-loads of Cosmic rocks flying around your 12th house of Meep! – including Friday’s Solar Eclipse – a moment to wobble on the precipice is allowed.
It seems friends are the Best Thing in the World, Fish. Tuesday and Wednesday this week pals appear to remind you that your wild-card, adventurous side (stirred by Uranus’s current, lengthy visit to your first house) is adorable. Spontaneous invites. Spontaneous favours. Spontaneous acts of kindness at your requests for help. Whether it’s giving you a lift to the doctor’s, or lending you a tenner and never asking for it back, or a local group welcomes you in like you’re one of them, friends are friends are friends. The middle of the week, at the Dark of the Moon, you may wobble for a moment and doubt that friends love you, or that the things you want will ever come to be. Once the light of Friday’s Solar Eclipse starts to grow again over the weekend, you’ll be sure as sugar that you’re loved. New friendships that land, and deeply held wishes that are asserted around that time, have the Cosmos behind them.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
6 days ago