A tame week ahead kick started by today (Sunday's) balancing, diplomatic New Moon in Libra. That strange noise you can hear is Mars settling in to his new home in Leo. A fire sign within a fire sign, hmmm… expect a dozen sports cars in the driveway, garish clothing, and photographs of himself on every wall… Mars’s stay in Leo normally lasts around six weeks. However this time he’s going to slow down in November and retrograde in December, spending a wapping nine months with the Zodiac’s pussy cats. For how this will effect you see Firebrand, Moi? below.
NOTES: Soundtrack of the week is now Soundtrack of the Month (Next due in November). Astroducky, however, is back to being weekly. Thankee for your patience all. See you next Sunday. T x
Yesterday’s New Moon is a get-up-wise-up whisper in your ear where your close one-to-onesies are concerned. Good Partnerships can make the world go round – but bad ones can make the ride unbearable. Evaluate your lovin’ and bidniz partners, Ramface. With Venus and Mercury here right now, it’s time to turn over a new leaf that allows in more love and honesty. Tuesday and Wednesday are your best party nights this week so book a late start at the office if need be. At the weekend dosh and long-haul / overseas connections get a shot to the arm. Firebrand, Moi? Anger and passion vz lovers, creative tings, and chilun have you brimming with joy and walking on hot coals during the next nine months. Been pushing pedal to the metal in these areas? Expect to re-evaluate your modus between now and June.
Yesterday’s New Moon was a call to get your work and health regimes refreshed. Pick a stickable-to exercise plan and stick to it! Map a workable-work-life balance and put it into practice! Write down your aches and pains and take the note to the Docs! Work and Career get a Mercury/Jupiter zippadeedoodah Tuesday/Wednesday. Strike your pose then. Bulls hankering for partners overseas or looking for publishing/broadcasting/legal partners get good news at the weekend. Firebrand, Moi? Mars is loitering in your 4th house of home and family. Home buying and renovating become a source of passion and consternation, as do family. Hate the way your Dad/child/partner does a certain somezing..? Is it because you do it yourself? Expect to confront some old, ingrained habits of your own as Mars passes by.
If your love life has been in the doldrums, yesterday’s New Moon gives you a gentle nudge to alter your modus. Mercury and Venus say talky flirty are the signposts to Squeezeville. Overseas/internet dating feels shiny Tuesday/Wednesday, as do creative projects connected to publishing and broadcasting. At the weekend, work commissions have a deep-reaching, transformative flavour. Perhaps bigger bucks too. Firebrand, Moi? Not one for staying silent for long, Airy One, Mars’s move into your zone of communication means there is little on heaven and earth that can shut you up. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but watch for gossiping or getting a little too vicious in your new-found public speaking confidence. The third house rules transport too. Steady as you go. Speeding tickets and prangs are rife under this transit, I kid you not.
Out from under your duvet Crab! It’s time to embrace the New Moon and make wishes and New Moves vz home and family – whether that’s literally moving, or visiting your Ma a bit more, or ditching a bad habit you picked up in childhood. Mercury and Venus are helping you break away now. Crabs redecorating have the stars on their side and for those selling or renting out the spare room, watch Tuesday/Wednesday for money luck. At the weekend lovers bear the hallmark of an exciting future. Wear your Sunday Best Clawface! Firebrand, Moi? You’re at the mercy of Money and Possessions for the next nine months. Expect to get a little more urgent about getting them and little more angry about parting with them. There really is enough for us all in the reef. This Mars transit may be the bootcamp to teach you just that.
Ah what a time you’re in for! But first… Yesterday’s New Moon sez it’s time to orate! It’s all very well looking glorious with your big, shiny hair but what are you thinking? Your subjects want to know. Mercury and Venus say you’ve loving things to impart. Tuesday/Wednesday bury the hatchet/propose/sign up with one-to-one partners. Across town: at the weekend, work and home life chime. Getting clannish by working with family or working from home have shiny stars behind them. Firebrand, Moi? You get a six-week visit from Mars about every two years when you become more persuasive, more confident, and sometimes a little more, ahem, military. Now you have Mars for nine months. Expect to (a) ‘rule’ something eg set up your own bizniz or take charge of existing work ting (b) do something dramatic to your hair and appearance (c) emigrate or work abroad/further afield and (d) get your fingers burned once or twice. Mars mekka you confident - but sometimes too confident to avoid complacency or arrogance. Watch and learn, Puddy Tat.
Yesterday’s New Moon says you need to act on earnings and prospective funding streams NOW. Circle Tuesday/Wednesday for clinching work deals, even resurrecting those that stalled in early summer. At the weekend Pluto and the Sun give you a boost; it’s time to get to the heart of the matter with lovers, chilun, and creative ting. Pluto doesn’t like woosies. How can you self-actualise when you’re clinging to a comfort blanket, Linus? Be bold. That’s the ticket. Firebrand, Moi? Mars in your 12th house of Meep! for nine months will bring some tricky moments. It’s the house of hidden enemies. Firstly, and most dramatically, don’t hang around dodgy neighbourhoods at night. Secondly, and more generally, things you like least in yourself are going to be reflected at you by people in, or coming into, your life. Dealing with unrepressed anger? Here come angry or feeble people to test you. Scared of walking into the spotlight? Here come the show offs and the motormouths… Take notes on why and how you react. As Mars heads backwards in mid-December you’ll get a chance to review what you’ve learned. Then next Spring, when he heads forwards, you’ll be ready to tackle whatever crawls out of the woodwork.
Yesterday’s New Moon was yours, Scales. It’s time to re-launch yourself and with Saturn joining your side next week, it’s time to really work hard at being who you want to be. First up a hair, make up, and a wardrobe overhaul mebbe on the cards. Enjoy. Saturn sez the hard work is coming so keep some comfy shoes next to those new, killer heels. Tuesday/Wednesday this week take this New, Confident You out to your lovers. Even old lovers you felt you weren’t good enough for don’t feel so scary any more. Librans buying/selling or renovating property get a financial boost at the weekend. Firebrand, Moi? It’s time to party, socialise, and swell your network with good cheer and a sense of clan-making. Likewise, it’s time to pursue your deepest wishes, perticalerly where close one-to-onesies are concerned.
Yesterday’s New Moon in your 12th house should herald the end of feeling flat as a biscuit. There are a few weeks to go before you get to say what you want and get the money you’re owed - but it’s coming. At the weekend the Sun docks with you for the first time in 11 months. As he does he makes cow eyes at your ruler Pluto. Feel the urge to begin planning your return to Full Service. Firebrand, Moi? Mars rules your work zone and he’s spending the next nine months in your career zone. This means Good: higher energy, higher determination, passion, and confidence. This means Bad: getting irate and impatient, arguing with bosses, bullying the office junior and trampling over colleagues to get to the top. Play fair. As and when the rush ends, it’ll be much nicer if there are friendly faces on the way down.
Yesterday’s New Moon was your annual Wishing Moon; write down what you want this week, this month, and this year – and do it with feeling – then put it somewhere safe. If you can name what your heart and soul really wants and hold that picture in your mind’s eye, you’ve a greater chance of getting it now. Word, people. Across town: the Sun dives into your 12th house of Meep! It’s time to take a breather for four weeks. Plan as little as you can, even when the social whirl calls, and delay the initiation of Big Plans until early December when the Force will be with you, Luke. Firebrand, Moi? Mars’s extended stay in your 9th house means you’ll be chomping at the bit vz studying, foreign, or philosophical concerns. Archers preparing legal shenanigans - the game won't conclude until June. Is it worth the wait?
Your career got a shot in the arm yesterday thanks to the New Moon. It’s time to call the shots at the boardroom table and when your ruler Saturn moves into this zone next week it really will be time to carve a new track towards the mountain top. Watch Tuesday/Wednesday for career-money tawks. Across town: and the weekend brings shiny omens of your future wishes for You. Socialise with friends who help you grow and you’ll be singing. Firebrand, Moi? Mars’s move into your 8th house of sex, death, and taxes means you’ll be stirred by endings and Big Money during the next nine months. When it gets tough, Goat, remember the good stuff. Getting to the top of the mountain takes grit - but knowing what you know when you’re up there? - by ‘eck that takes some licking.
A New Moon in your zone of foreign shores and publishing plans means that if you aint getting published or hopping on a slow-boat to China, you’re hankering for it. For Inventive Ones ‘Now’ is all about broadening your horizons. Watch Tuesday and Wednesday for breakthroughs… At the weekend a career opportunity you don’t feel good enough for beckons. Can you quell the nagging doubts long enough to take a chance? Fireband, Moi? Mars, who rules your house of communication, has sidled into your house of close one-to-onesies for a marathon nine months. Sidled Good: Energy, confidence, and determination to push through barriers creating a happy partnership and spearheading Ways to Make It Work. Sidled Bad: Pushy, argumentative, and aggressive, you or your close partners are stoking the fire and getting militant. Perhaps what gets burned down now may clear the way for a more solid future.
Yesterday’s New Moon suggests it’s time to sort B-i-g Ca-s-h W-o-r-r-i-e-s. Ting you bought on the buy-now-pay-later merry-go-round are due and though it stings, perhaps NOW you’ll learn the lesson… Lecture Over. Tuesday/ Wednesday bright ideas or saving plans land. (Kerching?) Across town: at the weekend a fear/opportunity connecting foreign/publishing ideas raises its ugly head. It's time to stand up and ‘fess your concerns. Firebrand, Moi? Mars’s extended stay is in your zone of work and health. Exercise is going to feel almost imperative. The day job is going to feel dull and routine – so much so that you’re better off initiating your own projects between now and June. Old aches and pains will need seeing to; expect flare ups now – they’re only here to show where you’ve failed to address problems in the past.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
1 week ago