Wednesday, 21 January 2009

This Week

We’re heading into a line of key dates in the development of you, the people you know, and the people across the world that you’ve yet to meet. The first kahuna falls on Monday in the shape of the first of this year’s five Eclipses. If there’s a something that’s stuck or a breakthrough that’s been a long time coming, the energy of this New Moon Eclipse will give it the push it needs. It’s time for change. It’s time for your Future to Happen. Imagine cosmic train doors shutting; and you’re off. There’s no way back. It’s time to move on, do it differently, get better at it. Endings are rarely sweet as candy – but whichever way your railtracks fall from Monday, with Jupiter nearby, it seems it will be for the best.

Doors Closing: Your new push forwards lands in the zone of networking, friends, and dreams. If there’s something you feel you are too rubbish to accomplish today, then think again on Monday 26 January (or have a chat with the man on the right). If you’ve been backwards in utilising the power of the word then now’s your time to say how you feel, walk your talk, and get schmoozing. And with the Sun here too as from yesterday your time starts Now. In Other News: Surprises vis love and money land Wednesday/Thursday; if you don’t think you’re worth it then think again and if you don’t think you deserve it think again. But that goes both ways so double check all transactions.

Doors Closing: Never one to push yourself forwards in the hall of fame the Eclipse energy suggests it’s high time you did – and even take another look at what success means to you in the Here and Now (rather than in the past) so you push yourself forwards accordingly. You’ve moved on since you last looked. You aren’t even who you were yesterday Bull. Cock on. Look lively. Monday’s Eclipse pair lands as a Full Moon on 9 February; by then you’ll know you need to bin an old habit or even think of big changes to Bull Towers. Do you need to move to succeed? In Other News: Saturn and Uranus face off again with Venus this time fighting on Uranus’s side. Dating Bulls could be finding the weight of relationship too much to bear. Is it time to jump? This is Venus’s annual hook up with Uranus, the King of Wappy. Unexpected developments, internet, foreign, and friends-conspired love intros are starred though with Uranus at the helm plan for the hippy, the maverick, and the unexpected.

Doors Closing: The Eclipse ChooChoo will take you off into the wild blue yonder if you’ll let it. Foreign connections, study, legal whatsit, and the general pursuance of higher thought and expansive aims are yours. Gone are the shackles, Airy. Gone are the scaredy cat voices saying you can’t, you shouldn’t, it’s not you… It is. So crack on. In Other News: With Mercury, your ruler, trawling backwards through your 8th house of sex, death, and taxes miscommunications, recommunications, and general delays are pervading these realms. Obsessions with previous or inappropriate squeezes could be getting your mind in a tangle. Doubts and regrets that you have let go of something too soon are bubbling up. Mishaps with cheques and cashola abound. Your task is to identify which of these are driven by your ego spitting its dummy out and which are your gut instincts nudging you to set the record straight?

Doors Closing: The forthcoming eclipses land across your money axis suggesting that for you the future lies in sorting out the greens. Not rocket science in the time of a world recession, I grant you. However, credit crunchy biscuit or no, you personally are at an exquisite time of needing to feel secure with your lettuce. What arises Monday and then around 9 February is a kick in the behind from the Cosmos to jig you into financial savvy. From now until mid February get your thinking cap on. The Sun says you’ve bright ideas worth selling. In Other News: Family changes are brewing from mid-week. Discussions seem heavy and you’re going over old ground. You do have choices. Negotiate one that suits you. Also: Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, conversations with previous lovers arise. Go steady. The tawk may not be cut and dried until 2 February. And Finally: overseas, study, and legal plans get a dose of Uranus, Meester Crazy, midweek. Watch your heart or your wallet go off like a roller coaster…

Doors Closing: Interesting times, Pussy Cat. With a New Moon Eclipse in your 7th house of one-to-one partners and a hook up from Uranus and Venus in your 8th house of kink, any proposals you may be giving when down on your knees may not be suitable for family viewing. [Those of a nervous/Victorian disposition, look away now.] As far as the Eclipse is concerned there’s a now or never take on your current relationship, Elvis. Your/their love can’t wait. You need to know – is this the one? Can you do it? The Eclipse’s pair lands in your first house of you, yourself, and you as a Full Moon on 9 February. The feeling in your waters then will steer you right, my liege. In Other News: Old work issues are popping up for renegotiations and you’re bursting at the thought of having to march to the beat of anyone else’s drum. If you can’t afford to hop ship (and hot chances are coming in July) get to a gym and burn off the chagrin in glorious ermine sweatbands.

Doors Closing: The Eclipse in your 6th house of office and medicine cabinets suggests that it’s time to rejig your schedule and make the changes you’ve been intending to but deferring from for far too long. New opportunities now are to be grasped; Jupiter’s year long stay here says changes made now will build your stamina and strength at the boardroom table and the squash court. The Sun remains here, lighting up your pretty face for a whole month. Do it, do it now. In Other News: Venus’s annual hook up with Uranus in your 7th house of squeezes means that yet another relationship change (or lack of desperately needed change) is blatantly obvious midweek and for some, it may be a knock too far. You’re craving stability and reliability. In amongst this, old lovers are popping out of the woodwork and with Mars here, girding your passions, they may not need to ask twice. Wise Virgos will think before they open their mouth too. Ego energies could bounce the other way tempting you to carve them up with the sharp edge of your tongue. In that case make like a happy Virgo, and simply wish them on their way, acidly.

Doors Closing: The New Moon Eclipse signals a time of fresh starts in your take on lovers, creative expression, and kiddiwinks. Discussions have shown the potential of what lies in waiting but there’s work to be done. However with Jupiter acting as all round goodtime cheerleader in these areas, resolutions and efforts made now bode for fulfilling and joyous times ahead. He's here for a year so open-hearted and open-minded is the correct stance. Adopt the position. Chest out. Make it count. In Other News: A shiny new idea or a surprise vis work and money lands midweek. An opportunity to work closer to home or to at least rejig a work schedule that has been driving you into the floor arises. You’ve got the energy. You’ve got the opportunity. So why are you letting an old habit of stubbornness continue to blight your health and happiness? You’ve been paying for it for 28 years. Balls to the Libran poise of fearing to upset the apple cart. Haven’t you had enough?

Doors Closing: A New Moon Eclipse in your 4th house of home and family signals a time of improvements and growth – either additions to the family, or a new patio porch, or a move. New Moons are New Starts, and the power of an eclipsed New Moon just makes the New Start something you are no longer prepared to wait for. The 4th house also rules the murky world of past conditioning, and rather outdated destabilising/self-sabotaging habits. A New Moon here sez it’s time to dispose of the dummy like an adult. And never put another one back in your mouth again. In Other News: Surprises vis lovers, chilun, and creativity land mid-week, likely from a loving partner. Is the idea going to cause problemas with other plans you’ve been hatching and obligations already made to friends and your wider circles?

Doors Closing: For you the Eclipses are eking out the balance you need to strike between your local and your international, your everyday and your long distant plans. Monday and the New Moon Eclipse in your 3rd house says that your attitude to brothers and sisters needs to change (can you all get closer?) and the way you communicate generalmente needs to be revved up. New attitudes to travel and the environment are starred here too= and electric cars maybe the top choice for Archers buying brumbrums this month. In Other News: Surprises regarding oof and your four walls land midweek and with Mars in the mix it looks like there are big bills coming in and big bills going out of whatever it is you’re planning. As we’re in Mercury retrograde still, best to check the small print, this week of all weeks. He’s docking in your piggy bank until 1 February causing financial mix ups.

Doors Closing: Like Cancer the Crab, the forthcoming eclipses land across your money axis. For you the future lies in sorting out the greens. Not rocket science in the time of a world recession, I grant you. However, credit crunchy biscuit or no, you personally are at an exquisite time of needing to feel secure with your lettuce. What arises Monday and then around 9 February is a kick in the behind from the Cosmos to jig you into financial savvy. In Other News: Surprising conversations are brewing from mid-week with discussions going over old ground and you’re not going to like it, particularly when it seems that it’s all about you and unsavoury aspects of your behaviour. Remember what the Babble has said in the past about being a tyrant or being a leader worth following. If you’re really groovy with yourself you will proceed with inspiration and humility. If you’re scared and on the defensive you’ll try to rule by shouting, and simply lose the argument in the process.

Doors Closing: Next week a New Moon Eclipse in your 1st house of You, Yourself, and You says you are starting to realise that it’s time you just pushed yourself forwards as you are. Huzzah for that, Inventive one. With Jupiter in the zone too, it’s your year after all. Dye your hair burgundy. Tell people to go to hell in a wicker basket, just because you feel like it. (We’ll respect you so much for it too.) Tell the boss why they are so darned lucky to have you. Chest out. Make it count. In Other News: Mid-week a hook up from Uranus and Venus in your 2nd house of oof says there are big surprises in store – either a pay cheque is yours all yours or some cash you were banking on, doesn’t come in. With Mars and Mercury both skulking about in your 12th house be wary of talking yourself into defeat with paranoia and fear of the competition. Pish. Read the Eclipse text above. Your year is only just beginning. There’s a long way to go and many victories to be won.

Doors Closing: The Eclipse in your 12th house of “Meep! Me frighty!” suggests it’s time to re-order the things that scare you most and hold you back. Perhaps make a list on Monday of the Top 10 and then set about inventing ways to safely face them so you stand tall a year from now. With Jupiter chivvying you along, this should be light work for a deep thinking Fish. In Other News: Venus’s annual hook up with Uranus in your 1st house of you is opposing the grisly faced Saturn in all his curmudgeonly greyness. Squeezes may be pouring scorn on your ideas for yet another change to the status quo – or urging you to make a change that doesn’t suit you. It may be a knock too far. In amongst this, old friends are popping up for a party and your social life is on the up and up. As well as highlighting the Top Ten Things That Scare You it may be time to review where your relationship is heading. Ooh. Was discussing you relationship on the list?