March monthlies with you next Sunday. Have a Big Round Full Moon xxx
The mid-week window for transforming your wash links your zone of I’m A Success and your zone of Fear; time to put your head above the parapet, stand up and be counted, go for something you’ve wished so many times you’ve had the stones for. Et voila. Come the weekend your Mercury : Neptune : Chiron opportunity sez honesty knocks vz friends and wishes. Time to make amends? Then make ‘em but Zoom nobody, Holmes. It’s time to state those wishes in your heart with your guard down. New friendships started now have a cosmic ring about them. Give them time to come down to earth. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual Stop Start in your office and medicine cabinet. Work projects culminate and spur you on to higher goals. Health test results should be pushing you forwards. A light goes on which sez as below, so above. What state of mind is contributing to your state of play in the office or doc’s surgery?
You should be feeling buoyant, Bully, thanks to the cosmic line up in your netwhoring, friends, and wishes zone. Even more than that, the Sun and Pluto brunch on Tuesday pushes your Big Goals a step closer and notions for study, travel, publishing, and spiritual pursuits get a juicy cosmic fillip. Friends and close one to onesies are on side too. By the weekend it’s time to check the small print on career contracts. News coming now should thrill you, and could be a dream come true - but in all the glorious haze remember that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Check dem facts is all I is sayin’. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual Intensity Central on creative projects, love affairs, and children. La Luna’s link to Pluto and Jupiter this year sez your love-life is getting shaken up BIG time. Venus is on side and Love should be Big and Bold and Transformative. Taurus love affairs ending now are opening doors to future rainbows and starry nights.
Planets lining up in your 9th and 10th houses are putting the emphasis on (a) foreign, studious, publishing/broadcasting plans and (b) career. If you can marry those things together right now, Airy Friend, so much the better. Mid-week’s Sun and Pluto hook up says it’s time to tawk and the subject needs to be Money. There’s a huge on-going transformation happening in how you earn, spend, and are controlled by money. Conversations now are shining lights on new strands and new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to change direction (did I really say that to a Gemini?) By Saturday your winged ruler Mercury strikes up a yarn with Neptune and Chiron. This is inspiration and healing on warp factor 11 all with a foreign, studious, publishing/broadcasting connection. Just watch out for porkie pies. Neptune can obscure the blindingly obvious when he feels like it. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: Is your annual home and family emotional high. This year changes are on your mind, linked to finances and success. Is it time to move a lover in or move aged parents into nursing homes and release their equity? (Ask them first of course.) Is it time to change residence to get closer to the success you deserve?
The Sun in your 9th house is casting your mind to foreign shores, teaching, studying, and spiritual adventures – and come Tuesday, lovers and close bidniz partners will be a Big Important part of the picture, whether that’s some overseas honey that you’re missing like billio or a damn fine commercial opportunity that could turn your future horizons upside down (err). The cowabunga moment comes next week. In the meantime, it’s time to talk lettuce. Finances are in the frame by the end of the week. Negotiating on big deals could go your way now but AVOID being too afraid to ask for what you really, really need. Your financial outgoings are due to escalate again from early March so you need to make strides now. Forewarned is forearmed. Bite down on any money offers. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is intensity central in your larynx. Now’s the time to state those future intentions and how they link up to love/bizniz partners.
The mid-week hook up between your ruler, the shiny Sun, and Pluto, he of the undergrowth, is a rather pretty sign that transformations in your work place are bringing in the lucre. Generally, we human beans rail against change, but when the rewards are rich-pickings, then hey nonny, we’re far more amenable. Yes you’re not firing on all cylinders at the mo – but energy will up within a fortnight... why not count your shekels if you’re feeling a little flat? Better, hmm? Come the weekend there are some rather pretty exchanges with loving or bizniz one to onesies. Lovin’ partners are on your side; bizniz partners have inspiring work and money ideas. Check all facts. Neptune’s in the mix, aka Mr Confusion, and he can make a right pig’s ear out of an egg salad. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual earned income kersplat. Either you have a money crisis and are prompted to go out and earn – or you get a tasty bonus or new job. The latter option looks more likely this year.
You should be sensing that the energy that’s pushing you onwards right now is coming from some deep place you can’t quite point at. What’s everso true, though, is that it’s an expression of You as You are Today that’s coming to the surface. Tuesday and partnerships are really beginning to show their worth – whether that’s creative, loving, or bebe-makin’. By the weekend your ruler meets up with Neptune and Chiron in your 6th house of offices and medicine cabinets. Neptune = inspiration and poppycock, so if you’re uncertain of anything, then get it in writing. On a good tip, news can be spirit-lifting now. On the workfront, you’ve got the patter Virgo and could sell chocolate fireguards if you so wished. Go for it! Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual Emotional High about you. La luna’s tawk with Pluto and Jupiter sez work or lovin’ relationships are bringing in those Big Changes you’ve been hankering for and paving the way for your Greatest Self-expression this lifetime… be it art, bebes, or love-mekkin. Awww lovely!
Whether you can put it into words or not, the cosmic fairydust mid-week is showing how your successes in the Real World are separating you from your family in that you’re now Accomplishing Things on your own terms. The terrible twos and our teenage years are obvious attempts to cut the apron strings. Current events should be bringing in a calmer and more satisfying sense of independence. For all Librans, opportunities to work from home or move nearer to the office are starred. By the weekend the Mercury, Neptune, Chiron get together docks in your 5th house of loving squeezies. If it’s time to make apologies, or have a second attempt at being Valentinesy, then you got it. Creative projects conceived under these stars are inspired. And tawk of bebes may be on the cards too. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: lands in your 12th house of Meep. Try not to get yourself run down or paranoid. Your wishes really are coming true. Whatever stress comes knocking, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
When your ruler Pluto meets the Sun on Tuesday, it’s a moment of awesomeness – conversations or news from lovers or about bebes are beauteous and life-changing. These are really important moments for love, creation, and expression, the like of which has never happened in your lifetime. Changes and advances and developments can happen themselves under these stars (watch next week for an example), but if you trust that the cosmos is steering you right, then now is the time to boldly go and all that jazz. By the weekend it’s news sharing time with home and family, and time to make decisions about what colour to paint the downstairs karzee. Sea-green sez Neptune. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is a time for celebrating with friends. Single Scorps - friends and social netwhoring could be turning out a few peaches for you to get to know better. Schwing. What’s more, creative projects are bringing in the oof. And kerching.
Money and home link up on Tuesday, reiterating the cosmic forces this year which imply the moving or expansion of Archer Towers. This time, ideas for changing can be multicultural – whether that’s literally moving somewhere abroad, or bringing the world into your home with ethnic scatter rugs or Japanese tatami mats. The weekend brings visits from bros and sisses and inspired chinwaggy time. Read between the lines of those you pow wow with now. There may be issues they’re holding back on when they’d dearly love your support. Archers making out of town trips at the weekend could be in for a soul-affirming vacation. Just be sure to check travel times. Neptune in the mix can bring all sorts of bewilderment to the radar. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual career emotional high. Projects are culminating now, or you feel pushed to get one signed and sealed. Promotions could be due too for some Archers. Homelife is 10/10.
For you, Goat, the midweek Sun and Pluto blend is a chance for you to Speak Up for what really matters to you. Ducky has lectured you before about silencing the potential bully within since Pluto began steering your boat a year ago. Now is NO exception. A situation does need to change, you’re right, and talking about it is the way to do it, that’s for sure. In the moments of Discussion, try to remember the benefits to you in this process. Without That Situation, would you ever have believed you could be So Bold? By the weekend, earning opportunities look tasty. Remember to bite down on the money before signing. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon: is your annual Long-Range Planning call to action. Foreign shores appeal, as do study courses which broaden your horizons. Any legal issues should be settled quickly now while the tide is in your favour. Chats and weekend jaunts look heaven-sent.
With money as the current Big Focus in your wash, Inventive Brain, this week is set to bring some glad tidings. Tuesday’s hook up of Pluto and the Sun ushers in a need to stop Holding On to possessions and let things become fluid and mobile, a sort of de-cluttering of your inner world being manifested out in front of your nose. By the end of the week you’re on fire with your negotiating skills and it’s time to get the facts together where money and income are concerned. Things may be better than you’d hoped, but just be sure as sugar that you check before you cheque; Neptune can bring chaos. See what’s really there on the ledger sheet, not just what you want to see. Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon is your annual emotional crisis point on the Big Money issues in life – mortgages, loans, savings, pay offs. This year, however, Jupiter and Pluto are making it emotional high good not emotional high bad. Remember, it’s time to stop holding on and to initiate your own successful, transformation.
These are glorious days Fish, when things in the tank should be idyllic. Tuesday’s link between the Sun and Pluto should be bringing your closest wishes/friends right up close and personal. Likewise Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon, normally an annual emotional crisis point with close one to onesies of a lovin or bizniz nature, brings emotional highs of a joyous nature, and re-jigs the glories of Tuesday with feelings of love for children, creative outpourings, and squeezies. Fishes saying arrivederci to lovers now know they are heading upstream towards much more fruitful waters. Optimism be thine warm current. The one, steady eddy this week is Saturday’s link with Mercury, Neptune (your ruler), and Chiron in your 12th house of Meep! There are doubts in your mind. Things can’t really be as good as they seem, can they? Pinch yourself hard, or get someone cute to pinch you instead. The truth hurts! See what I did there, ahaha!!
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
6 days ago