Sunday 7 February 2010

This Week

A busy, busy week earthlings in the run up to the man-made, card-selling phenomenon of Valentine’s Day. While the planets don’t normally give a rat’s patootie what we want from the 14th of February, this year there’s something of a coinkidink and Valentine’s Day chimes with some p-a-ritt-ee feelgood cosmic action. A New Moon… Venus and Jupiter in fluffy, communing Pisces… plus some Hot Commitment Action thanks to tasty hook ups from celestial lovers Venus and Mars to Pluto and Saturn respectively. No, you’re right, this action can’t fall in everyone’s zone of true love… but it can and will give us all a shake up in the eternal human-bean quest for Love and Happiness. In other news: keep your bullcheese radar on high Monday this week and next. Venus and then the Sun cosy up to Neptune. This can mean dweaminess and soulmate love-stuff, or it can mean downright deception and having your head ducked under the briny. Just be sure you aren’t the one churning out the porky pies.

Have a fantastic New Moon on Sunday - and welcome to the Chinese Year of the Tiger! GGGGrRRrrrrrr xx

The week begins with the hook up of Venus and Neptune in you 11th house of wishes and friendships. This is eyes-meeting-across-a-paddleboat central, but can also be a cosmic version of beer goggles making you mistakenly think that a friend can be so much more. Stay awake at the wheel, Ramface. It’s also a time when friendships can prove deeper than you’d previously thought. From Friday through to Monday partners come under the spotlight. There’ll be some Rams weighing up whether a current squeeze has legs (if you see what I’m saying). For others, big deep talks with the current beau prove how solid you are with each other. (Or if you’re not.) Planning a family from the Spring figures too. Time to book the stork? Sunday’s New Moon: is your annual wishing moon. Make a wish for your future. Turn over a new leaf where friendships and networking are concerned.

Monday lands and it’s time to get a Matter of Success clear in your head. Neptune’s commune with Venus, your ruler, suggests that dreaming and reaching for the stars is absolutely the soup du jour. Good news on the career front is due today just be sure to check the small print. Mercury heads into your success zone by midweek bringing money/creative greenlights/a lover; delete as appropriate. Around the same time Venus sashays into your 11th house of wishes, friendships and netwhoring. It’s party time! Venus is due to meet Jupiter here next week, so if your meal for two is delayed until Tuesday 16th, don’t you worry a jot! On Friday and through the weekend hardwork gets rewarded – but there are clashes with Who You Want to Be and home and family. Stand firm. Pluto in your zone of future plans means the Truth = Overhauls. Sunday’s New Moon: Go GO GOO for Gold. It’s your annual Career and Success Moon. Repeat three times a day before meals: Settling for Second Best is no good at all.

It’s all about the big tomorrow, Airy One. The week’s activity is lighting up your 9th house of future, travel, publishing, studying, and long-haul plans. On Monday there’s a love/creative link here – lovers overseas, creative night-school classes… By midweek, when your ruler Mercury zips into this sector, you’ll be ready to launch a Big Future Something connected to these 9th house tings. Prepare to negotiate Thursday through to next Monday when conversations on commitment kick up issues that need settling. The proof will be in the eating come April, but right now and in the coming weeks, your success is guaranteed – as long as your feet remain on solid ground (or tied to a rope that’s attached to someone on solid ground). Your valentine’s comes early and late (or just lasts a long time) watch Thursday through to Tuesday next week for romantic whatsits. Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual 9th house New Moon (topics as listed above). Make a commitment to one or all of these things and crack on!

You’re shifting some old emotional garbage, Crab, which may not sound like the best Valentine’s news, but wait. Sometimes Transforming something old brings on a new glow, and a new allure. What’s cosmically clear is that now is the time to ditch some of your old habits/lovers/fears and start allowing The Good Stuff in. Monday and you’re either inspired/or self-deluded on warp factor 10. As the week rolls on it’s clear that your big future wishes won’t take off if you don’t drop some old ballast. Watch Wednesday and the New Moon on Valentine’s Day for days to Name It. Aiiee! For all Crabs, home and family bring their share of burdens and support at the weekend and money’s in the frame. Are parents acting as guarantors on a mortgage application? Could they? Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual transformation moon. Time to turn over a new leaf, period.

Mars moving backwards through your first house of you means certain your Big Future Vision for yourself is backed up, leaving you ahem, a tad spiritually constipated. With virtually all the other planetary hoohaa centring on your 7th house of close one to onesies and bizniz partners, your ineffectiveness, malaise, and whinge-iness are going to Out or be Exacerbated By those human beans closest to you. If you can keep your feet on solid ground, Monday this week and next are days when these long-suffering souls remind you what love really is. Saturday watch for being a crosspatch; disagreement can be done without clawing. Prepare to make amends by Monday. Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual Close One-to-Onesies New Moon. Time to re-kindle watchuugat/re-kindle the search for something healthy and long-lasting.

It’s all about the work and the workout, Virgo. Monday this week (and next) Venus and then the Sun trigger Neptune the God of dreams/illusion. Good news on jobs and health diagnosis is v v likely to land here these days. The caveat is, if it seems too good to be true, then get it checked out. Likewise, don’t fib to the boss or the doc on those days; you’ll be the fool who pays the price in the long-run. Come Friday – Monday week, there’s talk on work and money. Mars in your 12th house suggests that you want a lot but are scared to ask for it/suspect others don’t think you deserve it. Either way, it’s you who will be cross at yourself when you ask for less than you want. What about: “I’d like £xxx a day. How will that fit into your budget?” for starters? In Love News, Venus the planet of love moves into your 7th house of one-to-onesies on Thursday and makes a gorgeous link to powerball Pluto on Valentine’s Day. Hearts and flowers, wistful stares and rice, Poppet. Yeah baby! (And babies!) Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual restart at the office and medicine cabinet. New health regime: new work attitood, check.

Curmudgeonly Saturn is asleep at the wheel, or at least not watching you like a hawk right now, so while the cosmos is offering you dance cards and honeys to cha cha cha with, go out and grab the chances! Monday brings a swooning moment, from Wednesday news, info, and chitty chat with lovers increases, and by the weekend there’s talk of commitments and future plans. Friends may feel you’re spending too much time sopping, but you know as well as I do that soon your work life is going to take over. So sop til you drop! Sunday’s New Moon: is your annual restart for Funsies! Make a commitment to get creative (bebes, potato-painting, visiting galleries)! Make a commitment to having fun with your lovers or your kids. Single Scales, it’s time to relaunch the search for your dream lover.

You’ve been drawing your energies in and hanging out by the fireside with the family, contemplating your ancestry and your current tribe, and the state of the décor in your humpy. There’s more of this to come (watch Mercury sidle in here on a crest of chitty chat and news from Wednesday) – but it’s also becoming time to get out and have some fun in this pretty yard we call Planet Earth. Venus, she of love and whatnot, pouts into your 5th house of lovers, chilun and creativity on Thursday and it’s time to get breeding, potato painting, romancing… all in time for Valentine’s Day. Woohoo! What’s brewing in time for the 14th is a link up between Venus and your ruler, Pluto. That Huge Truth you’ve been burning to reveal is ripe. Don’t pass the moment without feeeeling it, Scorpio. Conversations about bebes, love, and intimacy/emotional vulnerability are Specials of the Day. Sunday’s New Moon: is your annual wake-up-call vz your homelife, your mudhut, and your family. Time for a restart, Scorp.

A week of chitty chat and out of town trips, before hunkering down at home for Valentine’s weekend. Of all the signs, Archers need to remain the most vigilant about porky pie-ing this Monday and next. It’s not that you’re natural born fibbers… it’s that the Neptune blur is happening in your 3rd house of chat and when work colleagues or lovers ask a question, your little bon mot to smooth things over might end up barrelling into a Clinton-esque style tribunal. Play safe and if in doubt, say nowt. Likewise, listen hard for others half-truths or whale-sized porkers on Mondays. Across town and Friday – Monday delays vz your long-range, studious, or foreign plans are winding you up. Try to hang fire and start again next week. Venus slides into your mudhut on Thursday. Time to beautify your four walls and entertain at home. Wink. Sunday’s New Moon: falls in your house of chitty chat and commuting. New car or a new phone? Think about how you speak and if it ever gets you what you want…

Monday and it’s time to bite down hard on the money and check it aint chocolate. Yes, you’ve heard that here before – and it’s because pesky Neptune, in your 2nd house of earned income, is making your take on the green stuff less than focused. By mid-week Mercury moves into your earnings zone and Venus moves into your 3rd house of chitty chat. Where you need to talk of settling scores and getting your groats (arf arf), you’ll have the wind beneath your sails/sales bookkeeping-wise. (On also vz money, Mars’s on-going uiee in your 8th house of big-cash-money (mortgages, bank loans etc) is frustrating your need to empire-build too. Watch for losing your rag with impatience at the weekend. You can begin to right that ship next week.) Don’t waste all your current lovely, tawky Venus energy on your accountant, however. Powerful cosmic links say this Valentine’s Day is time to wear your heart on your sleeve and your tongue, Goat. Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual Earnings Moon. At the risk of repeating myself repeating myself, it’s time to revisit your earnsie-spendsie ratio.

Huge gusts of energy are billowing around your ears, Inventive One. First up, Monday brings a moment of truth vz homelife and family. Be sure to check money facts but don’t lose the magic. Then Wednesday, communicator extraordinaire Mercury flies into your first house and Information that you’ve been waiting on for two months (especially from lovers or vz large cash issues) finally lands... You’ve three weeks to grab it, turn it around and get it back out there. In all this airy fury, remember to stop and breathe once in a while, and make sure other people’s ears aren’t bleeding under your torrent. From Friday through to Monday week you may feel the pressure mounting as Mercury links up with Saturn and crosses swords with Mars. Try to see that those closest to you have your best interests at heart, even if they’re not moving as fast as you’d like. Finally, Venus brings money into your house of earnings from Thursday. Money can’t buy you love, but it can buy your love a nice dinner out on the town. Sunday’s New Moon: Is your annual relaunch. So do just that. Start /restart something just the way you want to.

The planets, stacked up in your 12th house of meep! May have you feeling a little underpar but fret not. From next week the Sun comes to getcha and your energy levels will crescendo upwards. Before then, this Monday and next be aware that you may be seeing what you want to see rather than what’s really there when Venus and the Sun link to your ruler Neptune in a dark corner of your mind. Yes these links do bring intuitive hunches strong enough to build a garage on, but if you can’t separate your doubting mind from your gut feeling, go easy before letting accusations fly or betting your last dollar on Three-Legged Dobbin in the 3.40. Friday through Monday, you’re feeling fed up at the office. Bosses are renegotiating on big money payments. It may be April before the answers are back in. Fishes have Venus on hand over Valentine’s Day but are too tired for all the shenanigans. Write a lovely poem and have a bubble bath together instead. Sunday’s New Moon: It’s your annual name-and-shame moon. What fears are holding you back? Picture ‘em like tin cans on a wall and then shoot them off quick fire, cowgirl.