Firstly, apologies for the delay in posting. Having driven 600+ miles in under 36 hours, Ducky’s mind wasn’t up to the job. Now tea and some time before the next journey and we’re under starters orders. There’s a wholelottacosmichoojah going on in the coming fortnight, some icky, some surprising, some quayte nayce. Mars and Mercury hoof backwards and the Sun and Venus dock in Capricorn. We’ve a New Moon in Sagittarius this week. Plus Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus are taking us all onto the dance floor, even if our blisters are throbbing… Christmas Day is presided over by a less than peachy Saturn link. Grouchiness and lectures about thriftiness are comingacha. Life is worth more than what’s in your bank vaults isn’t it? Try and let Saturn’s phoee spat on Christmas Day be a positive thing and a reminder of that.
You have a cool yule. And with that it’s back on the road. Taters x
If you can hum the words to ‘Do you know the way to San Jose’ a few times this fortnight, you’ll have your raison d’etre down Ram face. Not only is the emphasis on travel, study and broadening your horizons but about whether that will realistically getchu where you wanna get. You’re not one for ‘avin your dreams compromised but it may do you some good to note that almost all of those ordinary looking people you see at the check out buying a turkey have their dreams too. We do. On the 15th 20th & 21st focus on your dreams (and have a blast with friends too). Then 24th and 28th note what transpires as these days offer windows to your Big Success. Concentrate HARD and fine tune / cut off what needs to be tuned/cut off so you get there more easily. Mars your ruler retrogrades on the 21st. You need to slow down vz lovers and chilun. It’s time to renegotiate your part in their bigger schemes. Finally Christmas Day and kids and partners (or new and old lovers) are annoying each other. Play good fairy. Find some common ground, even if it’s having them laugh at you.
Money’s in the frame Bull. You know you need it to succeed – and alternatively, feeling it between your fingers is one of the factors in making you feel successful. Right now you’re parting with it and you feel uncomfortable about that. In 2010 Bulls are aiming to broaden their horizons – with publishing, travel, and study. First you need to get your money ducks in a row. For days when you know that what you’re doing now won’t pay the piper: Monday 14th, Sunday 20th and Tuesday 29th. For days when the shiny future lifts your spirits and you see rainbows: 15th, 21st, 24th and 28th. Pertinently, this week’s New Moon in Sadge brings you a cosmic leaf turning opportunity vz your big cash, lettuce. Wednesday write down what you need financially to get feeling good – be honest even if it’s crazy biiig money – then prepare to move it move it. You’ll have to pay your bills and settle your Christmas debts in the next few weeks but you’ll be heading in the right direction.
With Mercury your winged ruler already slowing in preparation for making the turn, you may feel that you can’t keep up with all that you want to be doing. What ducky would like to warn you of right away is money. In all the blur and sparkle of the Christmas frenzy watch out for what you’re doing with your money. Bills are coming back just at this peak spending time of the year, the buy now pay later whatsit is coming. There are some great opportunities for earning coming up soon Airy, (watch 24th and 28th for clues) but don’t spend it til you’ve got it. A stitch in time, Airy friend, a look before you leap into the plastic fantastic. Word. Across town: Lovers are being tricky and beautiful in turn. Lovers make you frown or spit: Monday 14th, Sunday 20th. Lovers lift your spirits by being helpful: 15th x2, 20th. Christmas Day the kids want more than they’ve got. To take their mind off it all give them a job to do, like finishing the sprouts.
Work has been carayzee busy these past few weeks – but just as we’re heading into Christmas, your lovelife starts getting some attention. Being a psychic in tune spooky sort of critter, you’ll be feeling a rising tide in your water of the impact Love is going to be having on you and your reef in the coming 12 months. Eclipses are all over the shop, Clawface, and that means drama and change and being vulnerable and all the things that make you run for the back of the sofa. New Year’s eve, the starter’s pistol goes off. Between now and then, thoughts of what you miss and what you need are clear: 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th. (24 & 28th are biggies: keep a chair to hand in case you need to sit down.) The Hugeness of the journey you need to take hits you: 14th, 20th, 25th and 29th. What’s key to getting this the right way up Crab, is to work with Mercury’s retrograde. Things you wish you’d said have a chance to pop out. Get negotiating from the 27th but expect the process to be on-going for at least eight weeks.
Pussy Cat, howya? The planets have been stacking up in your 5th house of fun and self-expression… and just as Christmas hones in to view, off they trot into your 6th house of work and health – and service to others… what?! Service?! To others! Pah! Oh your beauteous feline. Yes. There seems to be a chance for this Christmas to be less about you and your tiara and more about making sure others are doing just fine. See it as a way of you being a strong and sturdy (glorious) rockface while the rest of us are a little wobbled by the cosmic dusts. Patience is a virtue as lovers and chilun go wappy: 14th and 20th. The 24th and 28th are your days to shine as helper and colleague. Try not to get frazzled or cross: 25th and 29th. And your reward: Lovers are ‘tastic on the 15th, 20th and 21st. Oooh. Smoochy.
Focus on homelife and family starts to lift in the coming fortnight with more cosmic emphasis on your 5th house of funsies. Single Virgos need to take off their plastering overalls and get some shiny dancey pants on. And Virgos who’ve been tied down with family responsibilities might actually have time for the kids’ nativity or some potato painting pleasures. Homelife thoughts reach their peak: 15th, the New Moon of the 16th, and Monday 21st when partners change their minds. Some Virgos will be moving that day. The big days for fun with lovers or kids are around 23 - 24th and 28th but fun clashes with tightening your £s on the 25th and 29th. Your ruler Mercury’s retrograde from the 27th may bring news from former lovers… then takes your attentions back to homelife in the New Year. Reviews and news are due. Fact find and agree to nada until the 18th of January.
Saturn’s docked in your 1st house of you, yourself and you for the first time in 30 years so if you’re feeling the baa humbugs right now, that’ll be his influence. Christmas Day and the 29th are the peaks of his irritation so at least you may get to let your hair down and crack a smile by New Year’s Eve. There’s been a huge amount of toing and froing – some Librans may have even bought themselves some new wheels in the past month, but in the coming fortnight emphasis shifts to home and family. The 23rd and 28th are real denouement moments, and likely beautiful ones when you feel a sense of belonging and the comfort and holiness of that. Enjoy and savour. Monday 21st is your night for beauteous lovin moments with a squeeze or heart-warming feelings with the sprogs. Across town: Mercury’s uiiee moves the planet of chitty chat from your home and family department back to your zone of out of town travel and chinwagging. Expect to have more miles to cover in early 2010, Scales.
For you the emphasis on earning is starting to shift towards an emphasis on your 3rd house of bros and sisses, communications, and out of town jaunts. First up: the New Moon of the 16th lands in your piggy bank. It is time, deep and meaningful one, to crawl out of your deep chambers and Get Real about cashola. You know it. Now you need to do it. Watch the 14th and 20th for wake up calls. Family could be part of the solution: watch the 15th, 20th and 21st for helping hands. Mars’s reversal on the 21st happyhaps in your 10th house of fame and career. Now’s the time to review what Success means to you, and whether you need to include dough in that more clearly. Get ready for a relaunch in the Spring. Aussi, Mercury’s uuiee from the 27th takes the planet of chitty chat from your 3rd house of chitty chat into your 2nd house of money. What you decide vz cashola now should be negotiated and signed from 18th January and not before. Finally: Saturn’s in your 12th house and over the festive bunfight he clashes with the Sun and Venus on the 25th and 29th; the gluttony of Christmas and the tightness of your belt is going to irk you. Decide what it is you want to change and make an action plan over a turkey and cranberry sandwich.
Archer, you’ve been under the baking spotlights for over a month now. This culminates this week with Wednesday’s New Moon in your first house of you, yourself and you. Make a wish for how you wish to grow and write it down. In the coming fortnight the planets shoofty into your 2nd house of earned income and possessions – and it’s time to begin a looksee into how much you need to be happy and whether you’re getting the beans you need to live. Mars’s reversal in your 9th house of future plans, study, publishing and travel suggests that you need to bring some fire to these areas of your life – with a launch date in the Spring. Mercury’s reversal from this 2nd house takes the planet of chitty chat back into your 1st house. What gorgeous cosmic whatsit – like a Chrissy present from the galaxy. Back at work in the New Year it’s time to negotiate your salary, Sadge, and look to be striking deals after 18th January and not before. Finally cash irks you this festive season because you haven’t got the cash you’d like: watch 25th and 29th for being a partypooper. Charades, walks in the countryside, or finger and potato painting are fun, you know, and won’t burst the bank.
Energy has been hard to come by. Now at last you can start to feel alive thanks to the Sun and Venus, landing with you on the 22nd and 26th respectively. This week then, keep it reeled in and watch out for losing your rag and saying too much on the 14th and 20th. And on Christmas Day and the 29th, when your ruler Saturn clashes with the Sun and then Venus, there’s heaviness in your heart connected to family and lovers/children. Absence of those you love may make Christmas a more sombre affair this year. Across town: Money news looks good on the 20th and 21st – which isn’t the case for a lot of the other star signs at this time of year especially! And finally: Mercury’s uiieee moves the planet of tawk from your 1st house of You, yourself and you to your 12th house of Meep! Expect to feel misunderstood. You’ll be able to state your case more clearly when the Christmas decs are down and all the turkey sandwiches have been finished by mid-Jan…
A big blissful moment is cominacha on the 21st, Inventive Friend. Neptune and Jupiter meet up in your first house of you, yourself, and you and you feel you could walk on water – or at least feel the inner thoughts of every other soul on earth. This is Big and Beautiful and may not be tangible but will imbue you with trust. Not to say that the choral aaahh is going to stand alone. There’s Christmas and frenetic whatsit to dive into… Partners and big deals seem to be backsliding from the 21st, this will pick up again in the Spring. Money and wishes clash on the 14th and 20th. The 24th and 28th bring fears up for a looksee but watch as you can knock ‘em down like skittles. And finally: Mercury’s uiiee heads from your 12th house of Meep! Into your 11th house of wishes. Information you’ve needed lands in the New Year.
There’s been a sharp focus in your board room table of late. Now though, planets are starting to congregate in your 11th house of pow wowing, bunfights, and wishes. Just in time for the party season and New Year wishes. Hoorah fish! First up: you may need to make some changes to goalposts vz satisfying the others at the boardroom table on the 14th and 20th. In fact, the New Moon of the 16th will help you do just that. And on the 21st, there’s a cosmic shot to the arm as Jupiter and Neptune hook up again in your 12th house of Meep! Suddenly the things that have frightened you seem to be your friends after all, steering you towards a path of enlightenment. Mercury’s uuiiee means that you’ll be catching up with pals you haven’t seen for a while. But back at work in the New Year, there’ll be more negotiating to do in the boardroom until mid-January. Money woes land with a thud: 25th and 29th. Think about how the negotiating might help solve this…
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
6 days ago